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Health Of Taurus

Health Of Taurus

You are very healthy and strong. You have a great physique and strong stamina since birth. Hence they are not likely to suffer from major health problems. But once you get sick, you may not get well soon. You distrust doctors and refuse to listen to them. The main reason for your ailments is lack of fresh air and exercise. Health conditions tend to worsen as you grow older. For a healthy life, you need to curb your overindulgence and desire to eat and drink. Your constitution will be strong if you take moderate exercise religiously.

Taurus Health and Fitness Horoscope 2023

Areas vulnerable to disease and infection are the throat, neck, ears, lower jaw, feet, ankles, reproductive organs, back and spinal cord areas. You have a sensitive throat, which can sometimes cause congestion when you have a cold. You need to be careful of respiratory diseases like throat infection, croup and asthma. You tend to overindulge in food and drink and you may gain weight which can make you lethargic. Excess weight can put a strain on your heart and leave you suffering from poor circulation, weak ankles, varicose veins and other chronic complaints. Gout can be another possibility of major diseases. You are prone to diseases of the genitals, womb, liver, kidneys, abscesses and arthritis. Your digestion and metabolism are slow.

Your vulnerable body parts include the upper torso, throat, teeth, chin, palate, neck, larynx, ear and jaw area. You will often complain of croup, tonsils, stiff neck, cervical pain, sore throat, swollen glands, laryngitis, bruises around the neck and ear pain.

Taurus Yearly Health and Wellbeing Horoscope

As you get older, you are prone to lethargy, heaviness and a slower metabolism. You have a deep love for food, from fried peppers to chocolate whipped cream cake and pickles. You simply eat without a trace of indigestion. Many of you struggle with weight throughout your life. You should adopt a diet that is low in fat, sugar and starch. You should include natural iodine and a pinch of iodized salt in your diet to keep your thyroid gland functioning optimally. You should include salads and fresh fruits in your diet.

To control the amount of water in the system, you must consume food that contains enough sodium sulfate. An imbalance of this mineral can lead to overactive thyroid and inflammation. You should set a limit on the intake of enriched foods. Include cranberries, spinach, beetroot, nuts, beans, pumpkin, cauliflower, cucumber, onion, peas and almonds in your diet as they are rich in sodium sulfate. Don’t give up on chocolates and gifts or else you will feel deprived; Eat less and sensibly. You should drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration or water loss.

Taurus Daily Health & Wellbeing Horoscope

The natives have an intangible and elusive bovine quality about themselves. You are one of the most attractive personalities on earth. Females have calmer and lamer eyes. He would walk and carry himself gracefully, gracefully but with a suggestion of covert firmness. Males often have thick and muscular necks. Your shoulders, chest, torso and back will be broad and strong. You look strong and tough even if you are overweight. Slender Taurus also appear physically dense and fat. You will have a well-proportioned, plump and square body, regardless of height. You are generally healthy and of medium to tall height. Your ears are usually small and set close to the head. You chew very slowly while eating and your digestive system is very good. You have thick and strong limbs. Most of you have curly or wavy hair, dark eyes and dark skin. Your round and pleasing face with sensuous lips and beautiful eyes will easily attract others. You never show fragility of mind or character.

The natives usually have soft skin and beautiful and defined eyes. You look best in blue and pink. Your zodiac sign has a floral touch so floral scarves and earrings suit you. Beautify your rose buds with bright lipstick and bright colored nail paint. You are sensual and look great in outfits in pastel colors like light purple, pink and yellow. You prefer soft materials and delicate jewelry. You opt to wear an outfit and accessories that are timeless and beautiful. You do well in finer things like creams and lotions which make you more beautiful. You are careful in choosing your clothes and take a long time to decide. You walk gracefully and carry off the outfit well. You spend most of your money on shopping for dresses and accessories. You don’t run after fashion and wear things you feel comfortable in.

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