Moon in Sagittarius

Moon Sign Traits
People born with the moon in Sagittarius are usually very positive people. They love their freedom, and cannot stay cooped up indoors. Their outlook towards life is happy-go-lucky. They are very strong and active and indulge in activities which require physical efforts such as sports. They love to travel and meet new people, and learn about new cultures. They are most cheerful in open spaces. Even when faced with tough situations, these people are spirited in their approach, and hardly ever become negative. These people tend to be natural athletes. They get bored too soon when put in a particular routine, and always need change to push them forward. People with the moon in Sagittarius crave power and status. They can have a dual personality, and can act independent and irresponsible at the same time. This also causes them to become temperamental. They can be too impulsive and don’t look before they leap. Also, they have a philosophical streak in them, and the best way to keep up with them is to let them be themselves without nagging them too much. If you have a Sagittarius mate and wish to know more about him/her, try the Birth Chart based product Personal Ask A Question – Detailed Advice OR Personal Ask 3 questions.
Positive Qualities
People with the moon in Sagittarius are normally positive even under trying circumstances. This quality makes them cheerful. They love to take on challenges head-on. However, they need constant motivation in their life and they are easily cowed down by confinement. These individuals are generally very active and have an optimistic attitude. They are blessed with a great potential, especially intellectual. They possess a philosophical bent of mind and have a unique theory of their own towards life. Even in difficult situations, these people will always hope for the best and carry on with their tasks with their full potential. They are idealistic and romantic. Besides, they are creative and talented. They have a natural knack for the arts and design, and usually successful in areas where communication is required such as marketing, sales and education. They have a longing for lifelong learning and are highly motivated people. They are very adventurous and love to share their enthusiasm with others. If you feel that your career is not shaping up as you had desired, you could try the Natal Chart based personalised service Career Ask A Question – Detailed Advice OR Career Report 2 years.
Negative Qualities
People with the moon in this Sign are very optimistic. While this is a good quality to have, such blind optimism can be counter-productive. They don’t have the knack of seeing the big picture and believe that things will work out miraculously. They are very impulsive, and this combined with their blind optimism can make them vulnerable in many situations, which other people can easily exploit. These people can go to any lengths to impress other people, thus making them prone to boasting and bragging. They also have the tendency of being too harsh with the truth and lack the art of tackling situations skilfully, which can also lead to insensitivity. You might also like to read about Sagittarius Women.