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Virgo Man and Virgo Woman: Nature of Bonding

There exists varied dimensions to the nature of bonding between a Virgo male and Virgo female compatibility. The sixth sign of the zodiacis ruled by the planet of Mercury. The Virgos are empirical, serious minded and trustworthy as they represent the Earth element.

Both the Virgo man-Virgo woman often worry and, overthink and distress themselves a lot, not exactly able to overcome and deal with those things that trouble them.

Due to this repeated pattern of overthinking, they leave themselves agonized over petty matters, being enslaved to their worries and being too harsh on themselves most of the times.

Being very sentimental, both the Virgo man and woman throw themselves towards difficult situations leading to mistrust, if things are not communicated properly.

Virgo Man and Virgo Woman: The Love Affair

In terms of the Virgo man compatibility with Virgo woman, they share a great bonding, except for the physical intimacy which makes them nervous all the time, making it difficult to maintan a good intimate relationship.

The Virgo man-Virgo woman love match is too practical, judging everything about their relationship right from weighing their emotional bonding to every action that they perform, to all the opinions that they share, to all the responses that they indulge in. They measure everything, and once they get all the answers, they start putting emphasis on each, triyng the worsen the situation, all the more, again, by overthinking.

The Virgo and Virgo are very intellectual by nature, often diving into deep research and analysis of things and situations around. Driven by practicality, they only percieve things through their logical mind.

Due to their fault finding tendency that they always attach themselves with, they generalise things, limiting their creative minds and submitting themselves to rationality and reasoning all the time.

As the Virgo male-Virgo female are ruled by the planet of Mercury, they are good with communication skills. They like to stay in touch with the other, making each other feel good about the connection they share.

Both the Virgo man-Virgo woman lack the charm in building and keeping up with their intimate relationship even though they do find each other attractive.

It is very much possible for them to deal with the matters of their physical relationship, if there is proper communication which they can certainly indulge in, because of the planet of Mercury ruling this sun sign.

A Virgo man and Virgo woman, often measure their success by comparing themselves to an ideal society-influenced thinking.

They condition themselves in a way which makes them collate to matching the standards of the society and the peolpe around them, accusing themselves of being imperfect. This influences them in a negative way, again falling in the loop of being too hard on themselves.

Virgo Man and Virgo Woman: Level of Understanding

The Virgo man and Virgo woman love compatibility reached its peak when they share a great amount of mutual understanding, as they are both very emotional. As communication increases, they tend to share their problems, get into the matter, and try to resolve them together.

Both the Virgo woman and Virgo man know how critical and judgemental they are on their respective opinions, so they will try not hurting each other, but do end up hurting themselves in the process.

They take their own time to analyse the relationship that they share, and with the help of good communicative skills that they exhibit, they do come up with answers pertaining to the same.

But it is important to note that if they do not convey the issues that they suffer from, then they keep it within themselves, which often leads to keeping secrets which is not good in a relationship.

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Virgo Man and Virgo Woman: Benefits and Challenges

The Virgo male-Virgo female compatibility will include a great love life, if and only if, there is no gap in their communication aspect.

The esoteric planet, Vulcan, may have an influence on the Virgos which bring postive vibes pertaining to strength, will power and adaptibility. This will help them in overcoming all the troubles that they go through.

Both the Virgo male and Virgo female have to keep in consideration, the fact that they do not have to obsess themselves with the issues that they are facing in their lives, instead, they should try solving these problems by talking to each other. It becomes useless to be panicked and anxiety-stricken all the time.

Thus, the Virgo couple has to make sure that they, do not overthink about their problems, are more relaxed, and that they communicate their problems by sharing and accepting each other the way they are.

This compatible duo should empathize with each other, should take things a bit more lightly and not be overcritical about each other or towards anyone else for that matter.

The compatibility of Virgo man and Virgo woman may glorify with enriching experiences, if they take care of such things that hamper their association.

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