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Scorpio and Scorpio Nature and Nuances:

What Happens When The Scorpio meets another Scorpio?

When a Scorpio meets another Scorpio, they will instinctively know him/her to be one of their own kind. They will easily become friends and it will be easy for them to agree on where to go, what to do or not do, and what they want to do together. So it is not really difficult for a Scorpio and Scorpio relationship to be established. However, many times, they tend to discuss the dark aspects of not only their lives, but the lives of others also.

Scorpio Zodiac Personality Traits:

The main qualities of Scorpio are that they are passionate and assertive people. They possess a great deal of determination, are very decisive, and when they want to know about something, they will research endlessly till they get to understand it. The Scorpio makes a great leader, and they do not fear to lead from the front. They love to experience life’s great vagaries, and are very emotional. When you confide your secrets in a Scorpio, you can rest assured that they will never reveal it to anyone. The eighth sign of the zodiac hates dishonesty and can become very jealous and suspicious, which are traits that they need to keep in control.

Scorpio and Scorpio Love Compatibility

The Scorpio and Scorpio love match is a good one, until they become adversaries or are competing for the same position. If they can avoid such a situation they can develop a very good chemistry because they understand each other so well. There are aspects in a Scorpio’s personality that only, and only, another Scorpio can understand. And they know it, which is why they get along very well, and can provide each other a lot of emotional support. However they are more reserved when it comes to discussing their equation with another person.

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Scorpio-Scorpio Sexual Compatibility:

The Scorpio-Scorpio sexual compatibility can be great, like a dream come true when things go right, because both at so passionate; but sometimes it can be like a terrible nightmare, because their sexual energy and inner rigidity can be tough to handle. So this Scorpio Scorpio relationship can to both extremes, from being great to being miserable. When things are going smoothly, the intensity of their sex can be amazing.

Pros and Cons of Scorpio and Scorpio Compatibility:

Pros In An Scorpio-Scorpio Relationship:

The positive aspects of a two Scorpio compatibility is that, minus the emotions, both their minds will provide great stimulus when they communicate, especially at the intellectual level. The things they talk about, though, can be depressing things, not because they like it, but because they understand one another in areas that other people usually avoid dealing with. The positive upshot of this is that it makes them realise that they are not alone, a reassurance which can actually have an healing influence.

Cons In An Scorpio-Scorpio Relationship:

The negative aspects of this Scorpio and Scorpio relationship is that both are extremely possessive, they want to know everything about the other, while all the time striving for independence. Though they really wish to get involved in each other’s life, they detest being controlled, even by their partner. This Scorpio-Scorpio relationship is often plagued by problems of domination, as both want to dominate the other. Besides, sometimes certain issues can lead to a relationship-damaging mistrust. If they can get a couple of things sorted out, they can make their relationship last the full distance.

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The best aspects in a Scorpio man and Scorpio woman relationship is that they are both brave, passionate, resourceful, and can be a true friend. They understand each others’ emotions, especially the dark ones, so well, that it can cause envy in other people. However, for this to happen they will both have to be open-minded about their feelings and accept each others’ inner needs.

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