Home » Zodiac Signs » Relationship Compatibility » Aquarius And Sagittarius Compatibility

Aquarius and Sagittarius Nature and Nuances

When a fire sign crosses path with an air sign, only one of two things can happen: they blend together seamlessly to create a bright ball of energy, or they clash vehemently to destroy each other. Which one of the two will be the case with Aquarius and Sagittarius?

Find out below:

Aquarius and Sagittarius Personality Traits

Aquarius is the second last sign of the zodiac chart. These are ambitious, smart, and intellectual individuals who function on a slightly unique frequency. They believe in the power of their dreams and are strongly idealistic. This is an Air sign that is represented by the symbol of the water-bearer.
Sagittarius is a sign that is characterized by positivity and excitement. Those born under it are extremely energetic and are always seeking an adventure in life. They are gregarious, extroverted, and love to please people.

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Aquarius and Sagittarius Love Match

Both Aquarius man and Sagittarius womanhave a penchant for adventure, they live for excitement and are both born rebels. Thus, they have enough of a common ground to build their relationship astrology on. They are attracted to each other due to the presence of not only such similarities, but also a few differences.

Both these signs are extremely non-judgmental and thus, give each other the space to be unflinchingly real and honest in the relationship. They tend to respect each other over the straightforwardness that they possess and can thus create a positive pathway for their relationship to trudge on with care and understanding. The association will turn out to be very similar, in the relationship between the Sagittarius man and Aquarius woman as well.

Pros and Cons of Aquarius and Sagittarius Compatibility

Pros of the Aquarius and Sagittarius Relationship:

The best past about this equation is that since both Aquarius and Sagittarius are not afraid to say their mind, the communication between them is strong and real. They have the assurance that their partner will not judge them, making it easy for them to open up to each other and ensure that their conversations are free-flowing, unambiguous, and enriching.

The intellectual side of the Water bearer mingles perfectly with the deep-thinking persona of the Sagittarius sign. They are both drawn to each other due to the same. They are instinctive individuals who like to take decisions based on their gut from time to time, and will extend full-fledged support to each other for doing the same.

Both of them harbour immense love with adventure and surprises, which means they have something in common that can help them create and spend some incredible moments with each other.

Cons of the Aquarius and Sagittarius Relationship:

Fire and air might help each other grow, but at times, they can prove to be fatal to each other’s survival. Hence, it is important for Aquarius and Sagittarius to know how to unearth the right combination so as to avoid harming their relationship with each other.

Possessiveness is a problem that both of them will struggle from time to time. They have jealous natures that might cause friction in their bond and engender a sense of resentment between the two. Since both these signs are more impulsive than rational, they might end up making regrettable decisions in the spur of the moment that cause problems for their relationship in the future.

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While there are a few problems that must be taken care of in this particular relationship, the pros are definitely worth investing in the same. Both Sagittarius and Aquarius are individuals who would rather settle for a passionate, difficult relationship than a placid, insipid one. Hence, if they manage to strike the right chord with each other, they would’ve found themselves a lifetime of excitement and exhilaration, and not a moment of boredom to go with it!

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