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Introvert Personality – signs, causes, myths and more.

Have you ever felt like you were different from your peers? Do you feel like you are the odd one out? Do you feel exhausted after socializing? Is it only the thought of leaving your house that makes you sad? If you answered yes to these questions, then you might be an introverted person. Is being an introvert frowned upon? Do introverts have no interest in being social or having a life outside their bubble? Absolutely not! Introversion is the preference for one’s inner world over their social surroundings. It is one of the Big Five characteristics that characterize all people, and it lies on a continuum with extroversion at the other extreme. Introverts love and seek out times of introspection and isolation because they work better alone. They are the first to leave a gathering because too much social engagement drains them. They like to watch first and then act, even as young children. In the 1920s, the expert psychologist by the name of Carl Jung coined the phrases “introvert” and “extrovert.” These two personality categories categorize individuals according to how they acquire or use energy. According to Jung, introverts seek out their own thoughts for energy, whereas extroverts go to other people for their needs. No individual is completely introverted or extroverted; rather, they can be a mixture of the two, known as Ambivert

What is the definition of an Introvert Personality??

A person whose personality is characterized by introversion: a typically reserved or quiet person who tends to be introspective and enjoys spending time alone.

Introversion can only be understood completely by taking extroversion into account. By studying the prominent traits of extroverts such as outgoingness, socializing keenness, party-loving nature, etc., introverts can be understood. The absence of these traits in an individual is defined as an introverted person.

Causes of Introversion

Is there any biological factor that determines introversion? The reasons for being an introvert could be shaped by both nature and nurture. The causes are explained by various psychologists and researchers as per their own perspectives.

Commonly understood are the physiological factors that lead introverts to have higher blood flow to their frontal lobes than extroverts. The frontal lobe is responsible for helping us remember things, solve problems, and plan ahead. Dopamine secretion and its reaction differ in both personality types. Research has found that both introverts and extroverts tend to have the same amount of hormonal secretion that turns on the reward-and pleasure-seeking part of your brain. However, extroverts get an exciting buzz from it, whereas introverts tend to feel run down by it.

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Signs and Characteristics of being an Introvert

If you want to find out if you are an introvert or extrovert, the first step would be to take a personality test. The best way to determine which personality factor is dominant or high is by taking one online or, for more accuracy and detail, going to a psychologist. Some of the personality tests that are helpful for this include the Big-5 personality factors, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, etc. Some of the signs are as follows:

•Being around a lot of people drains you.
•You enjoy your solitude.
•You have a tight-knit circle of trusted friends.
•People often misjudge you for being quiet as shy, reserved and mellow.
•You are very self-aware.
•You gravitate towards jobs that offer independence.

You can easily get out yourself by feeling introverted by getting expert advice from our online therapist from GaneshaSpeaks only.

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