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Online therapist video call or texting session, which is best?

Online therapy apps or websites do come with the option of video calls, voice calls and text messaging and depending on the subscription you opt for. Many sites have only one option of weekly subscription which comes with options so you can choose whatever works best for you.

It is not necessary to attend a session online via a video call only. Your comfort is the top priority so you can, prior to your actual session, talk to your therapist about what option you are most comfortable with. You can choose to text, video call, or do normal voice calls.

For the online therapist, Ganeshaspeaks come with two options including voice call or texting, we prefer the latter option much better.

Here we are recommended the texting option to talk with an online therapist in the very initial stage. it is easier to form your thoughts in a more coherent manner and can actually think about things while you are writing about them. One can say, speaking is not among my best virtues. After a trial session of some twenty minutes, over the call our therapist and you will agree on the fact that we can proceed with the text messaging option for any subsequent session as you felt too subconscious and incoherent to form any sentence without mumbling, fumbling or sounding repetitive like a fool but, our therapist was understanding and ensured comfortable enough to share your thoughts without any worries.

Ganeshaspeaks.com is a reliable virtual therapy platform providing its user with professional therapy, confidentiality, and emotional support. Their affordable services ensure not only help to all but even give access to people living in remote areas. In cases where internet service is poor or anyone faces issues with internet connectivity, the Ganeshaspeaks chat option works very well which helps in getting immediate support in any crisis.

So, the virtual therapy platforms offer you many options and you can choose any as per your convenience.

How do you apply wellness in your life? Consult our online therapist to get the perfect guide.

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