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Embrace Your Discomfort To Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Almost everyone, even the boldest, has a comfort zone. Maybe you join the gym in a particular way or use the same approach every time, and when it comes to dating, you prefer one specific sort of person. Life seems secure and pleasant when we are in the warmth of our comfort zone. Finding the drive to go is far more difficult than we would like to acknowledge. The more, individuals stay in their comfort zone, the more opportunities they miss out on to completely immerse themselves in human experiences. Whatever it is, a comfort zone, while comfortable, may be restrictive, which is why, occasionally, going outside the comfort bubble can be a wise strategy to ignite personal growth.

What is comfort zone?

The psychological condition in which a person feels calm because they are not being challenged is referred to as their comfort zone. When people appear to be in their comfort zone, they rarely attempt new tasks or confront new difficulties. They only engage in things that are known to them, allowing them to feel “in control” of their surroundings. Staying in one’s comfort zone helps people avoid stress, anxiety, or suffering. Anything that takes us out of our comfort zone causes uncertainty because it makes us feel uneasy. Humans are designed to avoid negative emotions. As a result, people are hesitant to step outside of their comfort zone.

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Why is it hard to leave your comfort zone?

Fear and uncertainty
When you consider leaving or expanding your comfort zone, you are confronted with uncertainty. According to Psychology Today, uncertainty means risk, which makes you frightened. Even if you are aware that you’ve surpassed your comfort zone, fear prevents you from going on. For example, you may be hesitant to explore a different job route due to a fear of failure.

The temptation of comfort
Even when we wish to progress, the lure of our comfort zone is powerful. It’s normal for individuals to wish to remain because it’s convenient and secure. However, being there means never progressing or evolving. People frequently overlook the risk of not taking chances. In other words, you risk missing out on the life you may have had.

Fixed mindset
When you have a stuck mindset, you tell yourself that you lack the necessary skills to execute or achieve anything. This lowers your incentive to seek out opportunities to grow and learn new skills. Instead, you use your skills to justify staying in your comfort zone, stating things like, “I can’t do that” or “That’s not something I’m very good at.” This thinking keeps you in your comfort zone, allowing you to avoid obstacles and pain.

Fixed habits
Since human behavior is entrenched, effective behavioral transformation is difficult. The more we repeat certain actions, the more rooted we get in habitual patterns. For example, if you’ve been sleeping intermittently for decades, waking up at 6 a.m. every day will be difficult at first. Long-term behavioral change necessitates a strong desire to change.

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How do you embrace discomfort with ease?

  • Start small like trying new things like a new food or new activity.
  • Make a list of five tasks that make you uncomfortable but that you want to complete. Commit yourself to get beyond your list and completing the duties.
  • Do something that makes you uncomfortable, even if the outcome isn’t immediate good feedback or reward. “Having” experience boosts your confidence and ability to deal with future challenges that may arise out of your comfort zone.
  • Explore new experiences even if they are different than what you are used to.
  • Try to be friendlier while embracing the discomfort. Throughout time, you will enhance your communication skills, learn how to interact with others in a variety of settings, and make new friends.
  • Accept the possibility of rejection and the associated unpleasantness. Taking chances help you grow as a person. Most people would admire you since they recognize how courageous you were to take such a risk.
  • Get comfortable challenging beliefs, ideas, or opinions of yourself and others.

Mental-health benefits of stepping out of your comfort zone

1. It can lower your risk of depression
Sure, venturing outside of your comfort zone might be difficult, but it may benefit your mental health. The capacity to deal with the stress and discomfort of life’s difficulties protects against a wide range of mental health disorders, including sadness and anxiety.
2. It may improve your performance
Exploring your comfort zone may generate anxiety, which may be beneficial.  Stage fear has the virtue of motivating us to improve our performance. According to the Yerkes-Dodson law, moderate stress and anxiety are associated with peak performance. You cannot perform at your peak unless you are a little uneasy.
3. It supports personal growth
Doing the same thing over and over implies that your situation—and you—will not change. But, according to Dr. Clark, “you can’t help but develop strongly when individuals stretch.”
4. You could feel more creative
Once you create a habit, putting your mind on autopilot is easy. Getting on the other hand, getting out of your comfort zone growth and critical thinking: “Because if you need to react intuitively, you become your most distinctive,” adds Dr. Mayer. People are most creative when they are in a state of flow, which does not occur while they are in their comfort zone.
5. You’ll likely feel less bored and become more adaptable
If you’re always performing the same thing, day in and day out, any disruption to your daily schedule will throw you for a loop. However, stepping beyond your schedule frequently allows you to respond more quickly when things don’t go as planned. “But when comes to adjusting, practice makes you perfect. The more you consciously push yourself beyond your comfort zone, the more at ease you will get with it.”

“My comfort zone is like a little bubble around me, and I’ve pushed it in different directions and made it bigger and bigger until these objectives that seemed crazy eventually fall within the realm of the possible.”
– Alex Honnold

Getting out of your comfort zone is good for your mental health. Speak to our wellness experts to help you step out of it. Log on to www.ganeshaspeaks.com

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