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Do you know anxiety could be reason for your chest pain?

Have you ever felt jitters going down your entire body by thinking of the future? Do you feel a sense of uncertainty because of the little voices in your head? If you answered “yes” to these questions, there is a very high chance that you might be dealing with anxiety. The term “anxiety” has been used in a plethora of situations, ranging from the most dangerous to the least horrific ones.

Anxiety may often feel like our neurons are shooting thousands of messages per hour, which can make it extremely difficult for us to make a clear, informed decision in a time of need. To put it simply, anxiety is our body’s normal reaction to stress. It is worry or fear about what is to come. Going to a job interview or making a speech on the first day of school, for example, may make some individuals anxious. Sometimes, feelings of fear and dread persist or worsen over time. It can also cause chest pain and may also lead one to feel anxiety chest pain.

What are the types of anxiety disorders?

There are various types of anxiety disorders as well as a number of mental health conditions that may feature anxiety as a symptom. These include Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, Phobias, Selective Mutism, and other medication-induced anxiety disorders.

What are the symptoms of Anxiety?

Situations in our lives and, similarly, life itself is not linear. They are rather a series of many twists and turns throughout which have their mental and physical manifestations in ways that cannot even be explained. But let’s look at some symptoms that are commonly observed when anxiety manifests.

Symptoms may differ as per the intensity of events at hand. Sometimes it may even be possible to have chest pain, tightness, or pressure along with an underlying uneasy feeling throughout the body, especially in the chest. Others are feelings of panic, doom, or being in danger, having trouble sleeping or staying asleep, cold, sweaty, or tingly feeling in the hands and feet, heart palpitations, dry mouth, nausea, tense muscles, inability to concentrate and stay focused on completing a task, obsessively worrying or avoiding feared objects, places or people.

Have you ever felt this kind of problem? or not sure? our expert online psychologist uses cognitive behavioral therapy to modify anxiety-driven negative thought patterns.

Chest-Pain sensations and what it might be telling you:

When we are anxious, our body enters what is typically referred to as a “fight or flight” state, which helps us to deal with the difficult situation ahead of us. During this process, our body goes through a lot of changes, like increased heart rate, breathing rate, and blood pressure. The responses that can cause chest pain include muscle tension, increased heart rate, and hyperventilation, which in turn raise the blood pressure and make it difficult for the oxygen to enter the body efficiently and cause spasms in the arteries. Is there a way out of this difficult response? Yes, the normal range of oxygen intake for the normal functioning of these reactions can be helped by DEEP BREATHING.

Because of the similar close-knit nature of anxiety-related chest pain, a long line of conundrums can be drawn. There is a close resemblance to the painful sensation in the chest right before or during a person experiencing a heart attack. However, it is essential to have a clear understanding of what each type of chest pain is trying to convey. These are:

  • Chest pain can happen as a result of a panic attack.
  • Research has found that chest pain on the left side of the body is tied to having anxiety trapped inside one’s body.
  • Stress can result in feelings of tightness as well as a heaviness in the chest, contributing to chest pain.

The difference between heart attack and anxiety attack

Despite some similarities, the two ailments are caused by completely distinct disease mechanisms. Panic attacks occur when stress hormones activate the body’s “fight or flight” reaction, which frequently results in a racing heart, chest discomfort, and shortness of breath.

  • blockage in a coronary artery may cause the same symptoms as a heart attack. Chest discomfort, a fast pulse, and shortness of breath can occur when not enough blood reaches the heart muscle.
  • A heart attack usually occurs during physical activity, but a panic attack can occur at rest.
  • Panic episodes usually diminish and resolve themselves within around 20 minutes. A heart attack, on the other hand, frequently continues and may worsen over time.

Treatment for chest-pain anxiety

It is advised to go to the source of your anxiety. One can do a number of things to curb chest pain symptoms by imbibing some of the techniques given below:

  • Deep Breathing
  • Meditation
  • Exercise
  • Limited Alcohol Intake
  • An adequate amount of sleep
  • Catharsis of pent-up emotions by attending therapy.
  • Limiting the use of caffeine and smoking

“Man is not worried by real problems so much as by his imagined anxieties about real problems” – Epictetus

Anxiety can be debilitating. Consult our online therapist at Ganeshaspeaks.com to help you get to the source of your anxiety.

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