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Page of Wands

Page of Wands

Whether you are an outgoing or homely person, there is another person within us who craves wanderlust. The adventurer inside us is always energetic and full of life. People love the excitement and like to take down challenges in their own way. New and unique things always attract us. This can be in the form of real-life adventure or from a book. Staying stagnant is not an option. If you are stuck at something, then you need to challenge yourself to get out of that hole. One needs to flow like a river. Page of Wands is such a card that represents wander and the explorer. It belongs to the Royal Arcana deck. It represents the Columbus hidden within us. Let us see what is the meaning of the Page of Wands card and what it holds for you?

The Page of Wands tarot card shows a person is in good attire. He is holding a stick on the barren land. The shirt’s pattern resembles that of a salamander that signals the transition of bad to good. The person looks like a passionate promotor and a preacher. He is busy spreading spiritualism and social upliftment ideas. The sand desert in the background represents fire. The desert also indicates that the fruit of hard work has not germinated yet. This also suggests that all his ideas and thoughts are still in the hypothetical stage. However, if he takes the ideas and presses hard to make them into reality, then this will give better results.

The person, as per this tarot card. is full of youthful energy, active, optimistic and full of life. This person will be able to release the child within and venture for new places. This also suggests that the person is charismatic, carefree, determined, diligent and fearless, but this nervous energy may lead a person to take action without thinking about the consequences. Thus, the Page of Wands refers to the potential of turning a stagnant life into a fruitful one that is a sign of good fortune, barring few cautions.

The upright Page of Wands tarot card means good news for you. It represents childish, youthful energy brimming within yourself. The person is ready to unleash the new energetic side of his. He is clear about things he wants to do in order to gain success. He has this aim to succeed but may be due to inexperienced lack of guidance. The ideas thus will remain abstract without shape. However, there will be a lack of organising skills, and the person will change idea after idea. If he is not able to control this nervous energy and become focused, then he might lose the opportunities to progress.

When one draws the Page of Wands, it means the inner wanderer is pushing you to make discoveries or advance in life. But the downside is when you are about to take a step forward, there might be conflicting ideas that can stop you from doing so. However, wise people with calm energy will overcome this situation, and they will move forward.

As this card itself represents potential opportunities, the person is likely to get many opportunities to form a love alliance. If single, then there will be excitement in the air and a lot of possibilities to meet new people in your life. This will be a period of high romance and love. There are chances that the causal fling may turn into a strong relationship. This card also indicates the thing will happen very quickly as you may fall into love easily and also may get bored pretty soon. Because you always want to experience new places and be adventurous, it will be difficult for you to commit and create a long term partnership. If already in a relationship, then they will try out new things to ignite the fire within. Mostly the couples will do things together like watching a movie, going on vacation etc. Curious about your love life? Get your love prospect analysis done.

Career means new ventures. If you are looking out for new jobs or opportunities, then the upright Page Of Wands is the card for you. This indicates, either you are going to change the job, or there will be an intercompany transfer. New projects will come your way, and that indicates a good sign. This will also help you to progress in your career. When you draw this card upright, this indicates that you are ready to up the ante and move one level up. Just be careful of moving too quickly without thinking about the results. Organise yourself and ask yourself where you are and whether you are prepared for this or not. If the answer is yes, then it is the ideal time to start something new in professional life.

This gives a good indication that there is a money stack somewhere in the future nearby. This money will be driven through luck, and the source of income may be from an unexpected source. This might be in the form of a gift or bonus at work. You will be tempted to spend a little extra but try to save it for the crunch situation. Try to curb your instinct for spending carelessly.

What happens when the card is reversed? The Page of Wands reversed indicates negative things in life. It says though you have many ideas in life and in mind, there are chances that it will not take any real shape and bear fruit of desire. The mind will be clueless, and whatever you start may land you nowhere. This is, however, one of the ways of indicating that one should be more thoughtful while selecting or starting new things. Search for meaning in whatever you do, and this negative effect may reduce.

The reverse Page of wands love reading indicates a single person may not be ready for commitment. They will be interested in casual flings and may not be knowing what they want from their life or from their partners. Their fiery approach may also land them in trouble. There will be confusion and a lack of clarity. This is a time when you need to give more time to your partner rather than wandering aimlessly. If in a relationship, then the card indicates a lack of movement and buildup of stagnancy. Extra effort is required to bring the relationship back to toe.

This indicates frustration and lack of job satisfaction. There may be a difference of opinion between you and your superiors. You might be clear where you want to land up , but the path to choose will give you some kind of headache. This may lead to job monotony. Alternatively, lack of motivation will be a hindrance in accomplishing the goal. With all this confusion, it is best advised to achieve peace of mind first and then start moving forward step by step. The progress may be slow, but still, you will reach the destination.

This indicates financial turbulence. One might be careless about spending and not think about the future. There are chances that you might have become overconfident in the past, spent recklessly and now bearing the thorns. Time always changes and never is under that misunderstanding that good fortune will always stay. Be Careful with spending habits and have foresight for savings.

A Page of Wand tarot card is kind of an opportunistic card. This gives an indication about the opportunities coming in your path, but at the same time, it gives you an indication that one needs to be alert. If you are overconfident or in a confused state of mind, then the opportunities will be lost. A balanced mind with a measured approach will help you accomplish goals in your life. Curious about what the future holds for you? Ask our experts and curb your anxiety.

Each of the four suits of the Minor Arcana is divided further. Four Court Cards are extracted from each Minor Arcana suit, and they are classified under each category – The King, Queen, Knight and Page, signifying their specific traits. This makes the total Court Cards as 16. The King is creative, inspiring and bold, and wants to create a lasting impact on the world. The Queen is attractive, energetic, cheerful and self-assured; she does not impose, but subtly influences circumstances. The Knights may be termed as extremists, they express their qualities to the utmost limit. For instance, if they are cautious, they will be cautious to a fault, weighing all the pros and cons meticulously before taking a decision. The Page motivates us to enjoy the thrill of mental and even financial challenges.

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