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5 of Wands: A Sign Of Conflict And Disagreement

5 of Wands: A Sign Of Conflict And Disagreement

We all have some kind of disagreement in life, either with ourselves or with others. There will be a lot of competition, conflicting ideas floating around you. One may not always be a winner, and at times he has to accept the thoughts and opinions of others. This can be indicated by a tarot reading. Five of Wands tarot cards is one such Minor Arcana card in the deck of tarot readers. It generally depicts conflicts, arguments and competition bricking around you. This may indicate a sign of darkness, but there is always a silver lining hiding behind the cloud. Let us see what the 5 of wands actually means by doing a photo analysis of the picture.

The picture in Five of Wands five men holding wands separately in their hands and showing them up in the air. This indicates some kind of disagreement between the group. The disagreement can be due to abstract ideas or simply due to some kind of unnecessary conflict. As men, we know the adrenaline rush can also release the fight hormone; to show masculinity, one way is to raise a conflict. This can be due to the reason mentioned later. However, there might be some competition, and this can be actually good for people who try to shine among their peers. The grip of the wand is soft, indicating the conflict might be mild or just a show-off rather than taking a violent form. Let us decode if you have drawn an upright card or a reversed card.

This upright Five of Wands tarot card does not indicate positivity. The symbols of the card indicate conflict in life in one or the other form. This also shows that the person has entered into some kind of conflict or carrying any past baggage. The continuing situation symbolises the stubbornness of people and unwillingness to listen to one another. This can be due to a lack of proper communication. A group of five men with conflict signifies a lack of patience among them. They have their own prejudice and want to prove their own point rather than listening to others. Advice for such a group is to calm down and listen to each other with patience. On the positive side, five of wands means competition in life which you have not prepared for, but it gives an opportunity to shine among the masses. The challenges can be tough, but a strong and determined mind sail through the gails of storms.

As indicated earlier, there will be confusion brewing up in life. This will affect love and family life also. If single, then you will find that your love interest is surrounded by many other contenders. This will lead to a competition for the last man standing. Just do not get agitated by this, and one needs to be careful. If you force yourself to your potential partner, then this will impact the relationship in a negative way. If already in a relationship, then there will be few arguments and disagreements. Just be calm and careful and do not let the argument flare-up. This can lead to stress in the relationship. One advice can be to let things go and not dig deep into the arguments and keep it light. Get an insight about your lover prospect.

In terms of career, five of wands in reverse shows conflict, non-cooperative team members. This is, however, common with people in career fields with marketing, sales and banking. Sports personalities also may face this situation. If, however, their conflict is due to some fresh issue or petty things, then this will end soon. There are indications you might be competing for a raise or promotion. Regardless of the ego, one should take caution to stay calm. Challenges will push you hard, but you have the capacity to overcome the challenges. The competition will only bring the best out of you if you are prepared to take the challenge in a constructive way.

There is a situation that may lead to financial instability. This may be, however, a temporary phase. You may have to work hard to set the financial base strong. If you are facing a current crunch with money, then this might be due to some uncontrollable factor. If your financial condition is stable, then there are chances that you may argue with a near one about money soon. Money investment may not be fruitful, and there might be stress related to money.

The five of wands reversed cup means that you have reached a method of dealing with disagreement by not poking your nose into conflict or getting away from any troublesome situation. This can be a good thing also but always running is not a good sign. The issues may not leave you and will come behind you. It is advisable to address such issues and resolve them. On the other hand, the reverse cup also means that you have worked out your troubles and you need not worry about it anymore.

5 of Wands reversed cards means time to be careful. You will try to resolve the issues in your relationship. Just remember emotions or any negative may bottle up. To avoid any conflict, try to listen to your partner. Do not try to avoid any dialogues, as this will only help in eroding the situation. However, if you are already trying hard to put your relationship back on track,then you might see the silver lining in the sky. With honesty and hard work, the signs of confusion are finally disappearing, and normalcy is established.

A reverse Five of Wands tarot card means the conflict or competition in your work area is going to end soon. This also indicates the trouble and hostility between your team memes may reduce, and the environment will gradually smoothen and relax. It is a much-needed change for you. Take this time to resolve any conflict amicably, as cosmic energies will support you.

In terms of finance, there are two potential outcomes. If the card is drawn with other supportive cards, then the financial troubles will end. This indicates the long drawn battle of financial stress is not ending and you will come out as the winner. If the card is single, then it means there will be a conflict of money with your loved ones. There will not be any change regarding the struggle for the money you are facing right now. Any monetary conflict with your spouse or partner will be likely to continue.

The Five of Wands tarot meaning will differ from person to person. It depends on how you deal with conflicts. Five of Wands is a card of conflicts. Whether it is upright or reversed, conflicts will be a part of life. It asks you to trade with caution regarding money, love or finance. It is just a phase. If the right effort is put, then you will be able to win the situation and come out of all the difficulties. Tarot reading is much of a mind game; if the mind thinks positively, then the result will be positive, and if there is any doubt, the results will be the opposite. Just a piece of advice, be positive in your life, and the cosmic energy will help you to get out of the trouble. Get your personalised life report and be prepared for future.

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