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9 of cups Tarot Guide: Upright & Reversed

9 of cups Tarot Guide: Upright & Reversed

The nine of cups- minor arcana card is full of positivity. When Upright Nine of cups appears in your tarot card reading, it has something positive to say, but when Nine of cups reversed appear in your reading, it has something different to say.

At first glance, A man is proudly sitting on a bench with a smile on his face, which indicates he is happy and the things he wants to be happening have happened to him.

Also, we can see nine of cups behind him as if he has won these cups as a reward.

It should also be noticed that he is sitting on a wooden bench which might not be comfortable for too long with his hand wrapped around each other. That shows that he is totally active with his physical and mental. Still, soon he will feel tired on that bench, which means enjoy it while you are having it because the world has a strict rule of changing and you also will have to behave accordingly.

With your high self-esteem, you will feel confident. Your hard work is about to pay off; now, this is the phase of relaxation and parties. It is time to witness all the things you have been working on. This Minor Arcana card appearing in your Tarot spread indicates a dream come true.

Let us check out what it has to say about some important points like love and relationship, money, health and last spirituality in our life.

In a tarot card, reading nine of cups about love has a very positive view. If you are in a relationship, nine of cups indicate that your relationship is at a very good and healthy place mentally, spiritually, and physically. You should be feeling complete when this card appears. So if you are looking for any big commitment like engagement or getting married, you should consider it. Now, if you are single, this is the right time to meet new people and do the initiate. So nine of cups as feelings is positive for both singles and those who are in committed relationships.

In the subject of money, Nine of cups is a card full of success and achievements, as it is a Minor Arcana Card. It is time to take all those rewards of hard work you are working on. Nine of cups indicates success in terms of money and investments. All the time you have spent working on your goals, this success may come in any form that is promotions, raises, investment payoff. If you are looking for an opportunity to start a new business, this is the right time for that.

In your reading, when nine cups of tarot card appear, which indicates a good and healthy life. If you are struggling with your body, then you will see improvement. Nine of cups is about pampering yourself but also taking your health into consideration.

It is a normal rule that everything has two sides, and so has the nine of cups. That is why they say that always be careful what you wish for. So whenever you think about what success is, it should be something that makes you happy and that does not include a car or a big house because there is a point of having those things if you do not have anyone to enjoy it with. When this reversed nine of cups – Minor Arcana card appears reversed in your Tarot spread, it obviously indicates negative points. It represents unhappiness, loss, and broken dreams. The nine cups reversed can also be an indicator of low self-esteem and low confidence. So the reversed nine of cups is a reminder that makes the best of your situation.

While tarot reading nine of cups reversed appears, which is not very good for love and relationship. It may look fine from the outside, but from the inside, you both might not be happy or satisfied. Nine of cups indicates that your relationship is not in a good place. You mostly realise when the excitement and honeymoon period is over. If you are single, in that case, nine of cup reversed appears you are not in a good stage of doing such things because it might make a destructive impact on you, especially mentally.

Nine of cups reversed in the context of money and career is about disappointments and shattered dreams. You may have thought that whatever investment you have chosen is the right decision, but it turned out wrong. Nine of cups were reversed, which does not mean you are not working hard to achieve your goal. If you are handling your own business but it is not giving you the profit you expected.

Nine of cups reversed is not a very good card to get as it represents disappointments. If you are a fan of food, you should take care of it as nine of cups reversed is not indicating a very good message about health.

If you are already having some health issues, you need a medical assistant with that, and if you are absolutely fine, then just pay attention to what you are eating. Taking care of your health also includes your mental health so try to think positive and mentally happy, which will help you to be healthy mentally and spiritually.

Full of positivity, fulfilled dreams, satisfaction, rewards, pampering, self-love, positivity.

Nine of cups is giving pleasure and happiness, where the nine of cups is reversed, reminding us that we should be alert and aware of those choices we make. NIne of cups makes you realise what you really want and helps you to explore your dreams and to work hard to get there.

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