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Wheel of Fortune

Wheel of Fortune

Fortune, Fate, Change, Karma, Soulmates, Decisive Moments, Life Cycle, Lucky, Upheaval, Opportunity

The Wheel of Fortune is a Major Arcana symbol of transition and is a general predictor of luck or fate. Significant changes are on the way when the Wheel of Fortune appears upright in your Tarot reading. These changes should be beneficial to you, but keep in mind that not all change is simple, even if it is leading you to your destiny! The upright Wheel of Fortune indicates that the world is conspiring to assist you in achieving your objectives. Make the most of this opportunity by concentrating your intention on what you really want! Recognize that the universe has a purpose for you, even though you can’t see it right now. This trump card is also a karma card, so be good to people on your way up, or you could run into them on your way down!​

If you’re in a relationship, an upright Wheel of Fortune usually signifies a positive transition, so you may be taking the next step in your relationship, embarking on a new phase with your partner, or even embarking on a joint project. At the same time, the Wheel of Fortune Tarot card’s shift can be challenging. This card can indicate an upheaval if you have been finding that you are no longer satisfied in a relationship. That could mean you and your partner shaking things up and making much-needed adjustments to strengthen your relationship, or it could mean a separation that frees you to pursue new opportunities. Whatever happens, it will take you to your intended destination. If you’re single, the Wheel of Fortune in your Tarot reading could mean that the universe is working on getting you the love you deserve, but you must cooperate! You’ve had good luck with love, so now is the time to put yourself out there and meet new people.

When it comes to your job, the upright Wheel of Fortune is typically a positive omen and a sign that major changes are on the way. If you’ve always wanted to start your own company or make a career change, now is a great time to do so. The world is conspiring to help you achieve your goals, so now is the time to pursue whatever career goals you’ve had in mind. Even if you are content and secure in your job, the Wheel of Fortune will signal impending changes. Financially, change is what the Wheel of Fortune often denotes; if you have been financially Stable, it warns you to be prepared for the inevitable and set something aside in case you need it.

In Health reading, the Wheel of Fortune’s theme is once again shifted. So, if you’ve been dealing with health problems, the tide might be turning in your favour. Similarly, you might face health problems that cause you to make necessary changes in your life. For example, if you’ve been pushing yourself too hard mentally, physically, or emotionally, a bout of illness can force you to slow down and relax. This may actually be the universe’s way of informing you that you need to improve your self-care. So pay attention to the warning and make positive changes that are beneficial to your body and health.

With the Wheel of Fortune in an upright place, Fate is smiling at you. In a spiritual sense, this time should be used to evolve and grow. The universe is leading you down this spiritual path, but you must participate and seize the opportunities that present themselves. You might find that things just fall into place to assist and direct you along the way and that you encounter spiritual people who will support and guide you when you need it. There is a lot of synchronicity going on right now, and signs and signals are all over the place.

MisFortune, Upheaval, Chaos, Outer Forces, Powerlessness, Upsetting, Unwanted changes, Hold ups, Set Backs

The Wheel of Fortune reversed Tarot card still represents a change in general, but this change is likely to be negative and unwelcome. The reversal of the Wheel of Fortune indicates that a tough time is ahead and that the transition will be difficult to adapt to. It could indicate that things were going well before but suddenly and abruptly falling apart. This sudden deterioration can make you feel helpless, out of control, and as if forces beyond your control are conspiring against you. That is not the case, however. Although there might be some external influences at play, your current situation is almost certainly the product of your own decisions.​

If you’re in a relationship, the Wheel of Fortune Tarot reversed may reflect stagnation or the spark fading from the relationship. That isn’t to say that you can end the relationship on the spur of the moment; all relationships have their ups and downs. It’s possible that you’re just transitioning from one stage of a relationship to the next, and this is just a lull in the process. Try to evaluate the situation and figure out what works best for you. In any case, this period of upheaval will pass. Previous errors can resurface and cause problems. If you’re single and have had a string of bad luck in relationships, you should examine your own decisions and actions.

When the Wheel of Fortune is Reversed in a job sense, it indicates that your career is becoming stagnant or that you are going through a time of disruption and uncertainty. In reverse, this Major Arcana card may indicate impending unwanted changes. You must evaluate the career decisions you’ve made and honestly ask yourself if they were the best choices to help you accomplish what you want out of life. When the Wheel of Fortune is in the reversed spot, don’t gamble or take financial risks. If you’re having financial difficulties, this trump card can indicate that you have neglected to save money or construct a financial safety net. Your current struggle will not last indefinitely; when your financial situation improves, remember the lessons you’ve learned so far.​

In a health sense, reversed Wheel of Fortune may mean that upheaval or instability in another area of your life is having an impact on your health. Keep a good attitude and don’t succumb to pessimism. Although change, particularly unwelcome change, can be stressful, remember that even if you can’t control the situation, you can control how you react to it. Don’t try to prevent accidents from occurring; instead, take proactive action to care for yourself and your body even when things are difficult, and your health will benefit.​

With the Wheel of Fortune Reversed, you may feel as if the world is conspiring against you and nothing is going your way. This may be putting your trust to the test, but the universe has a purpose for us all, even on our darkest days. Don’t lose hope! Rather, use this time to strengthen your bond with your higher self. This difficulty will pass; try not to resist the changes it brings, and you will emerge as a more spiritually linked individual.

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