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Rahu Ketu Transit 2019: Rahu in Gemini, Ketu in Sagittarius Effects on Moon Signs

Rahu will enter Gemini sign and Ketu will enter Sagittarius on March 7, 2019, and both the shadow planets will move back to the sign Taurus and Scorpio respectively on 23 September 2020. Know the impact of Rahu Ketu Transit 2020 on your life.

The two planets are not visible to the naked eye. However, the influence which they exert on the lives of the people is immense. Their transit lasts for a period of around 18 months. People get good or bad results in accordance with their past karma, which is signified by planets like Rahu and Ketu. This transit may bring in unexpected gains or losses, there can be a quick rise or sudden downfall in peoples’ prospects. These shadow planets play all the more influence in the areas of career, business, finance, etc.

Now, let us see how will Rahu transit in Gemini and Ketu transit in Sagittarius influence the all zodiacs:

(Please Note: The predictions are to be considered according to Moon Sign. But, some effects will also be applicable for the Ascendants. If you want to know your Ascendant/Lagna Sign, click here.)


The transit of Rahu in the 3rd house will be auspicious for the Aries natives. You will make positive decisions in life. You will make good progress towards your goals. During Rahu transit in Gemini 2019, you may develop some problems with your younger siblings and neighbours, but you will be able to sort it out in some time. You will achieve important documentation in areas related to your personal or professional life. Your relationship with your workers or family members will be good.


Ketu transit in Sagittarius 2019 in the 9th house will trigger positive developments for Aries natives. You may join religious activities and may even join a reputed organization for your spiritual upliftment. Your efforts to go abroad may materialise after much delays and difficulties. You may even go on a pilgrimage or to a holy place with your family members. You may develop some differences with your father but on the whole, your love and affection will remain intact. You may become more disciplined by adopting some rules as per your tradition. You may even preach or deliver a lecture on religious subjects.

Rahu transit in the 2nd house will be beneficial for Taurus natives to some extent. You may have some misunderstanding with your family members but the matter will get resolved at some time. You should be very careful about spending money, avoid unnecessary heavy expenses. Be very alert before investing in a lucrative financial scheme for want of more benefit in this Rahu transit in Gemini 2019. At the same time, you may earn revenues from your past investments. You may be successful in giving up a bad habit like drinking or chewing tobacco. Try to be polite and soft-spoken while having important discussions with family members or your office colleagues.


Ketu transit in Sagittarius 2019 over your 8th house, you may get tensed and rush to complete your work. Avoid making any negative remark for people behind their back. You may face some problems in issues related to inheritance. Besides, you may develop an interest in occult or tantric practices. You may get sudden awareness or a new direction in an area wherein you have been thinking hard for quite some time. You may gain philosophical knowledge or take an interest in such a topic. You may also overcome a disease, foretells Ganesha.

Rahu’s transit in the 1st house will give in mixed results for Gemini natives. You will feel more energetic and fresh. However, you may waste your energies in the wrong directions as per Rahu transit in Gemini 2019. You may even face some problems in relationships, which may be caused by your dominating attitude, fears Ganesha. At the same time, you may progress in your professional life. Besides, you may face some difficulties but you will need to control your feelings and stay confident about your goals. You may develop an inclination towards professions like communication, teaching or fashion.

Ketu transit in Sagittarius 2019 in the 7th house will not give Gemini natives the results that you are expecting. You will face difficulties in your business partnerships. Your partner will not remain cooperative and helpful. He/she may not abide as per the agreed terms and conditions. This may disrupt the flow of your business. You may even lose your customers. You may also face disturbances in your married life due to a lack of understanding. You may also witness some significant changes in your personal and professional life. Avoid taking any decision in hurry or else it may spoil your happiness.

Rahu’s transit in the 12th house will be creating some level of dissatisfaction for Cancer natives. However, you may be able to go abroad as your past efforts will pay dividends as per Rahu transit in Gemini 2019. On the other hand, you may get a sound sleep. You will have to stay away from your family owing to your professional commitments. You will spend on entertainment and luxurious items as you will search for artificial pleasures in life. You may even face unexpected problems in life. You should take extra care of your health.

Ketu transit in Sagittarius 2019 in the 6trh house will require you to take care of your health. You should be cautious for any health abnormality, more so in the intestine. The atmosphere at the workplace will not be healthy. You should try to keep away from unwanted arguments. You may not feel comfortable in the workplace. Your subordinates may not cooperate with you. You should be very careful while making any financial investments. You may have to take a loan. At the same time, you may experience some development which will give you a lot of satisfaction.

Which Area Of Your Life Will Be Affected Most During Rahu Ketu Transit? FIND OUT With Rahu Ketu Transit Report

According to Rahu transit in Gemini 2019, a favourable future is foreseen for Leo natives. There will be better progress in your career. You may even get a promotion. Your relationship with elder siblings will improve and you will get their support in different areas. Your bonding with your spouse will get better, you will enjoy his/her company as a past misunderstanding between you both will get settled. Certain legal matters will get settled in your favour, predicts Ganesha.

Ketu’s transit in the 5th house will enable you to work hard without being dependent on your luck. You will have good equations with your children and you will help them in a number of ways. At the workplace, you will have to get more focused and upgrade your performance as per Ketu transit in Sagittarius 2019. Avoid getting into disputes over small and trivial matters. Students will have to put in their efforts to gain success in exams. Besides, Ganesha advises you not to invest in risky stocks and lottery.

Rahu transit in Gemini 2019 in the 10th house will elevate the social status and praise for Virgo natives. Your colleagues and seniors at workplace will recognise your importance. You will be given more responsibilities and you may be recommended for a higher position. However, you may get overburdened and find it difficult to cope up with the additional work. Besides, your relationship with your father will get better after some problems. Also, you may get more active in political life. You may also get an opportunity to interact with foreign officials on behalf of your organization. You will feel more comfortable at business.

The transit of Ketu in the 4th house will give average results to Virgo natives. Avoid getting into arguments with your mother. Spend more time with your mother and give her more affection and warmth. You will be satisfied with your results even if you don’t get an adequate outcome of the efforts that you put in according to Ketu transit in Sagittarius 2019. You may have to invest a lot of money for the renovation of your house or repairing the vehicle. You may face stomach related problems. This may happen as you may have consumed stale or uncooked food.

The Rahu transit in Gemini 2019 in the 9th house will bring beneficial developments in the lives of Libra natives. For higher education, you may get admitted to a good educational institute far from your place. You may shift your business to another place for better prospects. You may even get a chance to go abroad to develop your professional skills. Besides, you may turn more religious and practice Yoga or Pranayam for spiritual uplifting.

Which Area Of Your Life Will Be Affected Most During Rahu Ketu Transit? FIND OUT With Rahu Ketu Transit Report


You will get good results owing to Ketu transit in Sagittarius 2019 in your 3rd house. You will maintain a healthy and cordial relationship with your younger siblings. You will not like to get involved in silly or unfruitful discussions. In fact, you may keep yourself aloof and avoid meeting people around you. You will make sound future plans, which may also involve risks. Be cautious about any friction with your neighbours, as you may get irritated and lose your temper.

Rahu transit in the 8th house may not allow you peace of mind. You may lose a chance to get your share from ancestral property. You may get involved in yoga and other physical fitness activities. At the same time, you may remain mentally disturbed. Keep yourself guarded against any old disease which may emerge again and become stronger. You may have a disturbed social life and may face unexpected problems at the workplace as per Rahu transit in Gemini 2019.

Ketu transit in Sagittarius 2019 in the 2nd house will give average results to the Scorpio natives. You won’t be able to spare time with your family members as you will be busy with other activities. You may remain in confusion due to the disturbed atmosphere at home. You won’t be in a position to save money for future safety. There may be theft at your place and you may lose precious items, fears Ganesha. You may also develop pain on the right side of your face which may be related to your eye or ear. You will have to be careful about your expenses.

Rahu’s transit in the 7th house will give moderate results to the natives of Sagittarius. You will be looking for a new job. You may not get expected growth in business according to Rahu transit in Gemini 2019. At the same time, your strenuous efforts may help you break barriers and give you success eventually. You may face various problems and difficulties in your personal and professional partnerships. You may also develop new relationships.

Ketu transit in Sagittarius 2019 will turn you more religious and philosophical. You may view your life from various perspectives. You will spend more time trying to find the goal of your life from a spiritual perspective. You may feel that you are losing confidence in life. You may want to get more strength and energy in order to carry out your day to day activities. You may remain in tension without having any specific cause.

The Rahu transit in Gemini 2019 in the 6th house will be positive for the natives of Capricorn. You will be able to follow your schedule as per your advance planning. You will overcome an old disease which you have been suffering from for a long time. You may also get a better job opportunity. You will be able to pay off your debts within the stipulated time frame. You will be full of confidence, will manage difficulties and rivals.

On the whole, Ketu in the 12th house will have an average impact on your life during Ketu transit in Sagittarius 2019 period. You may go out on a religious trip or attend a seminar or function organised for self-development. Your relations with your maternal uncle or aunt may be strained. You may go abroad for professional or educational purpose. You may have to stay away from your family owing to professional touring.

Rahu transit in the 5th house will be favourable to the natives of Aquarius sign. You may be interested in learning new technology. You will make excellent progress in the profession whether its job or business. Your relations with your family members will remain healthy as per Rahu transit in Gemini 2019. You will make good earnings in speculation and trading. However, over-ambitious attempts can get financial losses. You will perform better in extracurricular activities especially outdoor sports and games. The health of your child may become a cause of concern.

Ketu transit in Sagittarius 2019 in your 11th house will have a good impact on the life of Aquarius natives. You may involve yourself in charitable and social activities. You may get an unexpected promotion in job, much to your delight. In case, there is a legal case pending, the judgement will come in your favour. You may organise a small religious function or get together. You may get a scholarship to pursue higher education.


Rahu transit 2019 will favour you but moderately. Your mother’s health may be a cause of concern for you. You may have to change your house in case you are living on rent. You may also shift to another locality or city due to transfer in job or relocation of business. You may face wealth or property related problems. You may not get the expected amount if you sell your house or shop. You may develop problems in the heart or lungs as per Rahu transit in Gemini 2019.

Ketu transit in Sagittarius 2019 in the 10th house will make you put in more efforts to achieve something on the professional front. Your promotion or hike in salary may get delayed. You may face several difficulties and challenges in the workplace. You may suffer if you take any professional decision in hurry. You will need to give more attention to your father. You may also visit a temple or any other religious place to get mental peace. Interest in spirituality will make you more positive.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Rantidev Upadhyay,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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