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Iron Lady Meryl Streep reigns supreme due to her powerful planetary positions!

She is the epitome of perfection! And, a real beauty with brains… she is Meryl Streep. After 17 Academy nominations and three Oscar Awards, this 62-year old Hollywood actress can safely be classified as one of the most remarkable and finest actresses of her and even previous generations. It was in 1971 that this hugely talented actress started exploring her passion for acting. Much like her other counterparts, she began her career as a stage actor. Meryl’s background in theatre gave her the acting finesse few can match, even today. In theatre, she also got the much needed platform that helped her establish herself as a television and film actress. Her performance in her d?but film Julia in 1977 garnered critical acclaim, which was aptly followed by her role in The Deer Hunter in 1978. This film did not only put Meryl in the league of extraordinarily talented actresses, but also gave her, her first ever Oscar nomination. This was a particularly special film for Meryl, as in this film she got to act opposite her then-partner of three years John Cazale. Incidentally, this was Cazale’s last film, as he succumbed to bone cancer even before the movie was completed. Although the tragedy left the young Meryly heartbroken, she did not let this deviate her focus from her passion – acting. In the following year, the hugely talented Meryl Streep won her first Oscar Award for the film Kramer vs Kramer (1979). Her second Oscar Award came pretty soon with the movie Sophie’s Choice (1982). Recently, Meryl got lucky for the third time, and won yet another Oscar Award for the Best Actress for her convincing portrayal and promising performance as Margaret Thatcher in 2011 film The Iron Lady. Besides Academy Awards, Meryl has been honoured with many more awards and titles during her entire career.

Are the stars and planets responsible for Meryl’s formidable career? Ganesha finds out with the help of Vedic Astrology.

Meryl Streep Date of birth:- 22ndJune, 1949
Time of birth:- 08 hours 05 min.
Place of birth:- Summit East, NJ, USA

  • Meryl Streep is born with Cancer Ascendant and Moon – the Lord of the Ascendant is placed in the 10th House of success.
  • Venus the significator of arts is in the 12th House in Gemini, but it is placed in its own sign in the Navmansha chart, which makes her a very good actress.
  • Moon becomes exalted by Anyo Anya Uchcha Yoga because it is placed in the sign ruled by Mars and Mars is in Moon’s sign of exaltation. This makes the Lagna Lord (Lord of the Ascendant) very powerful in her chart. This gives her power of imagination and also makes her expressive as an actress.
  • Jupiter is debilitated but retrograde, thus becomes very powerful. It gives exalted aspect to the Ascendant. Moreover, Jupiter becomes Swagruhi in Navmansha chart.

Jupiter and 10th House rule awards according to Western Astrology System. Another school of thought in India believes that the 4th House rules awards. The 4th House of Natal chart is the 10th House from the 7th House of public image. So, it indicates success through public image. Moreover, the 4th House is the 7th House of the 10th House of success/Karma, which indicates that the 4th house is public image of the success that you achieve through your Karma.

In Kramer vs Kramer, Meryl won an award for ‘the best actress in a supporting role’. Kramer vs Kramer was released in 1979, but Oscars for 1979 were announced on 14th April, 1980. At that point in time, she was under the influence of Mars major period and sub period of Moon. Mars is Yoga Karka, placed in the 11th House of gains and Moon is the Lagna Lord, placed in the 10th House of success. This is why this Dasha sequence helped her win the Oscar Award . Sub sub period of Saturn was in force and Saturn is placed in the 2nd House of finances.

Meryl was under the influence of Jupiter major, Mars sub and sub sub of Moon between 17th February, 2012 and 16th March, 2012. Jupiter and Moon both were transiting through the 10th House. It was Lunar Return for her! Natal Jupiter is placed in the 7th House of public image in her chart. It is retrograde but exalted. Mars is Yoga Karka placed in the 11th House of gains, and Moon is placed in the 10th House of success. This is one reason why she won the Oscar this year.

Also, Lord of the 4th House, Venus was exalted (was transiting through Pisces) when she won the Oscar Award for ‘The Iron Lady’. So, even from that perspective, she was bound to win the award this time.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Bhavesh N. Pattni
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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