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What Will The 5 Planet Stellium of 2021 in Capricorn Bring to Your Sign?

What Will The 5 Planet Stellium of 2021 in Capricorn Bring to Your Sign?

If this year were to be an episode of the sitcom ‘Friends’, Capricorn would be Monica. Why? Because Capricorn is the host of the year. Filled with Stelliums, Transits, Retrogrades, Capricorn is going through a lot, to say the least. Let’s paint a picture.

On the day of Makar Sankranti, the Sun will enter the sign of Capricorn as we all know. There, it will be greeted by Saturn, Jupiter, and Mercury, creating a four-planet stellium. Now, on January 28, Venus will transit to Capricorn, hopefully adding beauty to the party, as the planet signifies. Pluto is already in Capricorn, and Moon is joining the planet galore in Capricorn on February 12, 2021.

What is a Stellium in Capricorn, you ask? A stellium is the conjunction of three or more planets in one zodiac sign. Because these phenomena are rare, they hold a different significance in Astrology. And this time 7 planets are transiting in one house. Imagine what can happen when 7 owners are in one house. Everyone would agree that the place will be crowded, and there will be panic situations and confusions inside.

Similarly, in space, Mercury, Sun, Venus, Jupiter, Moon, Saturn, and Pluto conjunct in a place, Capricorn. And according to Astrology, it will form Saptagrah yoga. Definitely, when seven planets are having a meet in Capricorn, something big is coming!

Here, we are discussing the same. Though the Saptagrah Yoga will remain until February 14, 2021, its impact will remain till the ruler of Capricorn, i.e. Saturn is transiting through Capricorn. Therefore, its impact will be there on an individual level and world level until January 17, 2023, as Saturn will transit to Aquarius later on.

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  • When there is a conjunction of seven planets, there may be an emergency in the current time or planning for trouble in the coming time.
  • Some influential person may follow the advice of an advisor, which is likely to prove wrong later on.
  • Big changes may come into society.
  • Also, it creates a Goli Yoga which was last seen before 59 years, i.e. in 1962. At that time, the Sun, Saturn, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Mars, and the Moon were together and that too in Capricorn.
  • There was a lot of havoc at that time too, and such situations are foreseen now.
  • In 1962, we can’t forget the Indo-China war. But this time, Mars is not present in the conjunction, so a war-like situation will erupt.
  • The USA is likely to take action on international water borders whose consequences will be faced by the USA and other allied countries. So be attentive on the international water border.
  • Unskilled labourers may face challenges.
  • There may be events related to a forest fire. Also, there may be harmful events to wild animals.
  • Gold and silver market will remain highly volatile during this time.
  • There may be changes in conventional ways to travel.

As this mammoth of conjunction approaches us, let’s see how it will affect the hosts Capricorn and other Zodiac signs alike.

Note: The predictions are based on Vedic astrology, so the influence of Pluto is not considered here. Also, the Moon will remain for 2.5 days only in Capricorn, its impact will be feeble in comparison to Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn.

In AriesSaturn and Jupiter Conjunction in Capricorn along with Venus and Sun will form a ‘Raja Yoga’ in the centre and southern direction respectively. What this ensures is a favourable outcome. However, the Saturn that is sitting in the 10th house may make you work hard. Similarly, Jupiter can create hurdles in your path at times, forcing you to spend more money.

On the other hand, the presence of Sun in the 10th house translates to a strong ‘house of the profession’, which is likely to bring some success at the workplace. You may bring new and creative ideas to the table and may even be able to achieve the goals you have set for yourself. Those who are looking for a job may also get success in finding one if they are persistent enough.

There are times where you may get worried about your children. It is also important to avoid long-term investments in the stock market for the time being. It is also advisable to take care of your health as some issues related to blood pressure, headache, stomach ache may disturb your health. You may also get into some minor arguments with your spouse.

Saturn may become strong in your zodiac sign, however, the Sun and Jupiter conjunction may lead to unnecessary spendings. Jupiter conjoining Venus can make you worry about your family members. Venus Saturn conjunction may bring some hurdles in work, but nothing unsolvable. In fact, Jupiter can help you in staying calm and finish your work.

For Taurus, the Lord of the ascendant house, Venus along with Saturn will combine to create the ‘Raja Yoga’. The lord of the 5th house, Mercury will meet the lord of the house of intelligence, the Sun. These two planets will also create a Raja Yoga, bringing in favourable outcomes. On the other hand, Jupiter may bring you some unfavourable outcomes till April, after which, the situation is likely to get better.

Mercury is likely to make you more worried about your money and the health of your mother. Even children may face some issues with their education, although eventually, they may be able to succeed. Those who have just married, or who are looking to conceive may get desired responses from their partner as it is Santan Prapti Yoga. You can also worship Santan Gopal Yantra, attuned for the immense benefits.

You may also be able to finish any of your pending work thanks to Venus. The Sun sitting in the house of luck may inspire you to make a new work plan, however, Jupiter’s adverse effects may need some hard work from you to finish whatever you start.

It may not be a good time for you to invest long-term. It is also advisable to be aware of your hidden enemies. On the health front, this is time to look after your health as there are chances of headaches and issues related to liver, kidney, or diabetes. During this time, you may plan a religious trip.

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Mercury, the lord of the ascendant, is indicating that you may need to take care of your health. Since Mercury is passing through the 8th house, the natives may lose their strength as well as their immunity. The presence of the lord of the 4th and 8th house is likely to support you in getting favourable results when it comes to parental properties.

You may also make important decisions about those properties, and complete any pending work regarding them. During this period, you may spend more than your earnings. Your children may face some academic or health-related issues, making you worry about them. You are also not likely to get any favourable results when it comes to the stock markets. This may also not be a good time to apply for a loan.

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On the professional front, you may not feel content with your current job and start looking for another one. You are not likely to get the desired support from your boss or management. Though some arguments with your spouse can be foreseen, you are likely to have a decent time in your marriage. A court-related matter may bring you an unfavourable verdict and trouble.

This may be a good time to start taking care of your health, along with the people close to you. You may also get inclined to spirituality. A renovation of your house may cost you more than expected. If you are a businessman, expenditures may increase, with a deficit in profit.

For Cancer, the Sun, Saturn, Mercury, and Jupiter are forming a conjunction in the 7th house. Saturn, Venus, and Mercury will weaken the Sun, and therefore, you may not be able to meet the expectations of your family. Similarly, you may not get the desired support from your family.

There are possibilities of you facing several financial losses, and those losses can make you worried, affecting your mental health. It is also advisable to be careful when going into a new partnership. There may be some delays in buying a new property, too.

In general, this may not be a good time to invest in the properties. You are even likely to get into problems with your family due to these properties. This period may also bring you some worries regarding your children as they may face some issues with their education.

You are also likely to face some issues in your marriage and letting go may very well be the key to harmony. Some pending religious works are also likely to bother you as a result of this 5 planet stellium. In short, the stellium is likely to bring you some mediocre times ahead.

For Leo, the lord of the ascendant will be sitting in the 6th house which translates to more focused and concentrated natives. It may also be the time to heed some attention to your health. Jupiter and Saturn together may bring health issues like stomach ache, back and knee-related problems, intestine, and even blood-related problems. Avoiding outside food would be a piece of advice for you.

On the professional front, you are likely to get new opportunities for jobs and business. An extra work-load can be predicted. However, that is also likely to bring improvement to your financial status.

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Coming to your professional life, you are likely to find some enemies. A change can also be predicted with your workplace or department. A transfer may also be on the cards. People who are working under you may not give you the work you expect from them. It is advisable to not trust people blindly as some may betray you. It is also advisable to not get overconfident, or you may lose some great opportunities coming your way.

There is also a possibility that you may lose the trust of your cousins, friends, or neighbours. That is likely to bother you. This may not be a good time to buy a property in a hurry. It is advisable to understand the terms better before going into a new partnership. Female Leo is likely to face some family troubles. You may also need to be prepared for some unnecessary expenditures.

For Virgo, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and Sun are forming a conjunction in the 5th house. A strong Mercury in the 5th house is an indicator of a better period for your health. You are not likely to face any major health issues. You may also get the opportunities to try something new, however, the lord of the 12th house, the Sun is associated with Saturn, which may break your concentration and take you away from those opportunities.

There are possibilities of family-related or financial tensions. You may also plan to start a new project, but find it difficult to finish it. This may not be a good time to make an investment out of the financial gains you might have received from the stock market.

During this period, you may get worried about your child. Students are likely to get positive results. However, they may be unsatisfied with them. Those who are in a relationship are likely to experience some ups and downs, with some mistrust seeping in the relationship. Married ones are advised to avoid unnecessary confrontations as well.

Businessmen are likely to face some more troubles during this time. However, you are likely to get some opportunities later in the year. During that time, you are likely to achieve stability in your business and work. This may also lead to your financial status. On the whole, this stellium is likely to bring you decent times.

Venus with Saturn and Mercury with Jupiter are forming a Raja Yoga. However, the Sun is likely to give you some mental stress. Similarly, Saturn in the 4th House is likely to disturb your mental peace and may create some health-related issues.

Saturn may also bring some new enemies into your life. It is advisable for you to not trust people with blind faith. This is also not a good time for you to make long-term investments. Although you are likely to make some small profit, the expenditures may overshadow it. This may disrupt your bank balance.

You can appease Goddess Lakshmi and get blessed with wealth in abundance, by worshipping a Shree Yantra.

During this time, you may feel that you are working hard but the results are not quite there. However, there is a chance of profit when it comes to the properties you own. Students are likely to be presented with good opportunities, albeit not without some hard work. You may also get worried about your parents, but it seems like you are about to receive some good amount of love from them.

On the health front, you may suffer from sugar and blood pressure issues. Women may suffer from gynaecological problems. Some family-related problems can also be foreseen for female Libra. Those who are working may find it difficult to deal with the pressure. The work you do is likely to lead you to success, but you may need to keep an eye on your expenses.

This stellium is likely to bring you some quality family time. On the other hand, you are advised to give proper attention to any pending documentation as there is a chance you may get into an issue or invite an unwanted dispute. This may not be a good time for you to invest money in the stock market.

Some busy trips can be foreseen and you may feel a little tired during these times because of the travels you take. You are also likely to spend more money on these trips. Some business trips are also likely to happen. Along with the stock market, you are also advised to avoid long-term investments.

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You may also worry about the health of your children. As for your health, you may need to face issues related to diabetes, hair fall, or blood pressure. Your close relatives are also likely to face some health issues. Singles are likely to receive a proposal from someone and accept it.

Those who want to study abroad may taste some success. In the later part of the year, your investments may also earn you some profits. You may also have some arguments with your landlord or tenants. There is also a possibility that your electric gadgets like mobile or laptop may get stolen, and therefore, it is advisable to take care of them, or you might have to spend some money on them.

Sagittarius are going through their 3rd phase of Sade Sati. This stellium is likely to bring you both good and bad results. With your family’s constant support, you are likely to worry about them as well. However, at the same time, you may feel more confident. If you keep working hard, the success may just be around the corner.

This may not be the time for you to invest in the long term investments. It is also advisable to pay proper attention to bank-related matters, or you may even face some legal actions. However, you are likely to find a solution for any parental property disputes. Since your fourth house is under an aspect from Saturn, your mother may face some health issues. Understand the effects of Saturn in your Kundali more, with Free Sade Sati Report.

If you wish to, you can make small investments. However, you may not get expected results. Students who want to study abroad may find success if they work hard. The same is the case with working professionals. By the end of the year, you may gain a lot because of Jupiter. You are also advised to look after your health as some neck ache, headache, or pain in the teeth may disturb you.

Married couples are likely to enjoy a good time with harmonious relationships. However, some arguments may still occur, and the responsibilities are also likely to increase for them. You may also get involved in religious activities. In your work, you are likely to achieve success with your hard work backing you up. You may be in the limelight for that, and that is likely to inspire you more. You may feel worried about your younger siblings and may need to avoid arguing with the elder ones.

You are going through the second phase of Sade Sati. The Presence of Saturn in your Lagna may inspire you to try new things with a newfound inner strength. Even though some unexpected spendings may come your way, you are likely to maintain a good financial status. These expenses may be related to your family. You may also go on small or long trips to spend some quality time with your children. However, despite your efforts to spend quality time with them, you may think you are lonely. This may make you lose your trust in your close relatives.

Property related matters are not likely to resolve during this time. There are possibilities of arguments with your children. This may not be a good time to spoil your relationships with your siblings. Those who are looking for a relationship may meet a new person. However, there is a possibility that they are not the right one for you. You may get cheated if you are not careful in a relationship.

Just met someone special? Know if your planets are glancing over their planets with the same affection or not, with Zodiac Sign Compatibility.

Coming to your health, you may face thyroid, low blood pressure, or hair fall problems. However, in the latter part of the year, you can control your health issues. The loans you may apply for are likely to get approved, though this may not be a good time for you to get a home loan. Property related and health-related issues are likely to bug for long. Married couples are likely to feel the bliss of love and harmony in their married life.

You may need to avoid getting overconfident as your arrogance can bring you some troubles. This Stellium is likely to bring good times for working professionals. However, even they are likely to struggle when completing the tasks at hand. You are not likely to get into any major trouble, though. You are likely to feel distant from some of your friends as you may not get desired responses from them.

Aquarius natives are under the first phase of Sade Sati. This period is likely to bring you some mental stress. During this time, you may also find it hard to control your spendings when it comes to money matters. You are also likely to be anxious about your family. Along with all that, you may also need to take proper care of your health. There is a possibility of problems related to eyes, shoulder, and teeth.

Later in the year, you may be able to get rid of those issues with the help of Jupiter Transit. The Stellium is not likely to bring you a great time for investments. Those who want to travel abroad may face some difficulties. Though some success may eventually come your way with enough persistence. Students are likely to find it difficult while choosing their education stream. Aquarius are also advised to take care of their hard-earned money during this time.

Married couples are likely to enjoy good times despite some minor differences in their relationship. This may not be a good time to sell a property as you may not get the desired price for it. The luck is likely to evade you at the beginning of the year, but the challenging times are likely to pass as the year goes by.

Working professionals are not likely to face any major issues as a result of this stellium, however, those who are owners of their business may face some troubling times. As a business owner, you may even think about closing current business and starting afresh. Major changes in your business are also foreseen. You are also likely to indulge in social activities and finish some religious work.

During the stellium, your 1st house is aspected by Saturn which may bring you some mental stress. You may find it hard to make important decisions because of a dual mind. Some health-related issues may also come your way. Some desired work is likely to get delayed. During these times, you are advised to be careful before putting your signature to documents.

These may also not be a good time to try new things. Some issues with your electric gadgets may also frustrate you, especially when you are working on them. Despite all the hurdles, you are likely to finish your work. Those who are into an online business may rejoice, as the planets are looking to be favourable for you.

Know everything about your year ahead before starting anything new.

For students, some good times may be coming their way. Yes, you do have support from the planets but there is no alternative to hard work. Despite several differences in opinions, you are likely to win your friend’s trust. It is advisable to keep a check on your words to maintain relationships as they are. There are chances of a small trip during this period, however, if you are thinking abroad, this may just not be the time.

Some health issues like stomach pain, diabetes, or mental stress can be foreseen. Married couples are likely to enjoy a good marriage. Singles are also likely to get a proposal for the marriage. If you are thinking of buying a property or a house, this may not be a good time. Working professionals may need to work hard as the management is likely to put some pressure on you. You may also begin some new work during these times.

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