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Saturn In Capricorn – Effects of Saturn Transit on 12 Moon Signs

Saturn In Capricorn – Effects of Saturn Transit on 12 Moon Signs

With the onset of the new year, we are going to encounter a major life-changing planetary event and a significant astrological phenomenon. The tough taskmaster and disciplinary professor, Saturn is going to make its grand transit in the Capricorn moon sign as per Vedic astrology. Now, what is so huge about this? This is not just a normal transit. The planet is coming back to its own sign after 30 years of transitory motions in other zodiac signs! Its like homecoming, isn’t it? This transit is going to start from January 23, 2020, and Saturn will keep progressing and retrograding in the sign for approximately two and a half years.

When Saturn is favorably placed in one’s horoscope, the native tends to become a scholar with good communication powers. When it is malefic, it has the powers to even turn gold into ashes. On the other hand, if it is gracious, it gifts fortunes in life.

Natives with a beneficial Saturn have good possibilities of pursuing a career in the trade, whether it is related to machinery, leather, cement, furnace, wood, rubber, etc.

But, Saturn placed in an unfavorable manner can make the person face struggles in life. They can suffer from health issues, mainly related to the digestive system, stomach, and alimentary canal. They are also likely to lose wealth or be victimized to legal issues in life. Read about the remedies to neutralize the bad influence of Saturn in your horoscope.

Saturn is considered to be a mentor and a strict disciplinarian who makes a person learn significant lessons in life via various experiences which can be either blissful or cruel. It is believed that Saturn is the best teacher in all. As Saturn rules Capricorn sign, its transit would make a great combination. Capricorn is also referred to as ‘Father of the zodiac’ as it has its own ways of making people work towards their goals after a planned execution. Hence, when the taskmaster itself makes its way into the land of authority and discipline, it would be like your own signature cosmic event.

Saturn is going to leave the zodiac sign Sagittarius and transit to its own sign Capricorn on January 23, 2020, at around 22:27 hours. It will then get into retrograde motion between May 10, 2020, and September 29, 2020. The transit will continue till April 28, 2022.

The Saturn transit in Capricorn is going to give favorable results to a few zodiac signs and to the others, it may give a challenging time. Let’s see how the zodiac signs are going to be impacted during this phase.

(Kindly note: the below Vedic astrology predictions are mentioned according to moon signs.)

Saturn is the Lord of the 10th and 11th house in birth chart of Aries. It is transiting into the 10th house this time. This is a vital transit for you as this house focuses on the fulfillment of goals. You will need to take your energy levels to a more enthusiastic level. However, you need to remain careful about financial decisions. Want to know more about what the planet has for you? Read here and find out the in-depth predictions of Saturn transit to Capricorn 2023 for you…

The Lord of the 9th and 10th house, Saturn will make its transit through the 9th house in the Taurians’ birth chart. Due to its transit in this house, you will be more inclined to religious and spiritual journeys. The transit will help you to maintain rapport with surrounding people. Do you have a promotion awaiting at work in the next phase? Read more and find out the in-depth predictions of Saturn transit to Capricorn 2023 for you…

For the Geminis, Saturn is the ruler of the 8th and 9th house. You will be under the impact of Dhaiya (small panoti) as Saturn is transiting to the 8th house in your chart. Start planning your career with more inclined attitude as the planet will test your determination. Be brave and confident enough to face situations during the transit phase. Read more and find out the in-depth predictions of Saturn transit to Capricorn 2023 for you…

Saturn is the Lord of the 7th and 8th house for you. It will enter the 7th house (house of partnerships) in your birth chart. You will need to keep patience in your marital life as the transit may create disbalance in it. It will be rewarding for you to cultivate new skills in your professional life. This will be a good time to revisit your past actions in career and learn from your mistakes. Are you likely to get a job transfer or promotion in office? Read more and find out the in-depth predictions of Saturn transit to Capricorn 2023 for you…

For the Leos, Saturn rules the 6th and 7th house in your birth chart. It will transit through the 6th house of opponents. Due to this, you will need to use tactfulness and have calm conversations with your superiors. You are suggested to plan your finances as there are some unexpected expenses foreseen. As the transit progresses, Saturn will have some surprises for you. Read more and find out the in-depth predictions of Saturn transit to Capricorn 2023 for you…

Saturn is the ruling planet of the 5th and 6th house for the Virgos and this time it is transiting to the 5th house. Till January 23, 2020, you will be under the effects of Dhaiya (small panoti of Saturn). Due to this some issues related to domestic or social life would have come up in last 2.5 years. Now, your Dhaiya phase will get over in the approaching transit. How will your overall life path be in the upcoming transit phase? Read more and find out the in-depth predictions of Saturn transit to Capricorn 2023 for you…

Saturn is the Lord of the 4th and 5th house for the Librans. You will be under the influence of Dhaiya (small panoti) as Saturn is transiting to the 4th house in your horoscope. Being the planet of limitations, it will make you feel restricted. But you should keep your determination and optimism top notch. Will the phase help you achieve higher elevation in your career? Read more and find out the in-depth predictions of Saturn transit to Capricorn 2023 for you…

For the Scorpions, Saturn is the Lord of the 3rd and 4th house. You will be under the effects of Sade Sati till January 23, 2020. So you would have experienced financial constraints. After this phase, Saturn will transit through the 3rd house in your birth chart. This seems to be a profitable time for your career. Do you have a promotion coming your way? Read more and find out the in-depth predictions of Saturn transit to Capricorn 2023 for you…

Saturn is the ruler of the 2nd and 3rd house for Sagittarians. You will be under the influence of 2nd phase of Sade Sati till January 23, 2020. You might have faced a slow down in career or marriage related matters due to this. After this, the 3rd Sade Sati phase will start with Saturn’s transit to the 2nd house in your horoscope. Does the upcoming phase has some bright opportunities for you? Read more and find out the in-depth predictions of Saturn transit to Capricorn 2023 for you…

The Lord of the 1st and 2nd house, Saturn is entering the 1st house (house of self) in your birth chart. It is coming back to Capricorn moon sign almost after 30 long years. You will enter the 2nd phase of Sade Sati in this transit. The belief in yourself and strong self-confidence will come in picture while handling challenging situations. What’s more in store for you in the upcoming transit phase? Read more and find out the in-depth predictions of Saturn transit to Capricorn 2023 for you…

Saturn is the ruling planet of the 1st and 12th house for Aquarians. It will make its transit through the 12th house (house of travel and expenses). It’s the 1st phase of Sade Sati for you. You will be expected to work a bit more effectively than usual. Challenging situations at work may come up at times. What will be the additional influence of transit on you? Read more and find out the in-depth predictions of Saturn transit to Capricorn 2023 for you…

Saturn is the Lord of the 11th and 12th house. It will be transiting through the 11th one that is the house of gains. This seems to be a good phase for your professional life. You will be more hardworking and also have good relationships with your subordinates. Is the transit favorable with respect to the financial front? Read more and find out the in-depth predictions of Saturn transit to Capricorn 2023 for you…

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With Ganesha’s Grace,

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