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How will the Mercury Transit in Sagittarius affect your zodiac sign?

How will the Mercury Transit in Sagittarius affect your zodiac sign?

Mercury, the planet of intelligence, logic, and communication will change its sign and enter the Sagittarius sign on December 25, 2019. A day of the week, Wednesday belongs to this planet. If this planet is placed beneficially in a native’s horoscope, the person succeeds in almost every field. A well-placed Mercury also gifts the natives with good reasoning powers and intelligence. However, when it comes in touch with a malefic planet, it starts affecting the native negatively. Hence, you can strengthen a weakly placed Mercury in your horoscope by wearing Emerald gemstone. But you should consult a proficient astrologer before that.

What is the transit timing of Mercury in Sagittarius?

Mercury is going to enter the Sagittarius sign on December 25, 2019, at 04:15 pm. It will remain in this sign till January 13, 2020, 00:04 am.

Effects of Mercury transit in Sagittarius on all zodiac signs.

Mercury will have an enduring effect on all the signs of the zodiac. It will be positive for some and challenging for others depending on its placement in their chart. Let’s find out the effects of this transit on you.

(Kindly note: the below predictions are mentioned according to the Moon sign.)

Effects of Mercury transit in Sagittarius on Aries individuals

Mercury will transit through the 9th house in your birth chart. This house signifies destiny and fortune. You will be blessed with goodness at your workplace. Attaining respect and rewards will make you happy. You will see the growth and progression graph going up in your career. This is a favorable phase for opportunities related to business expansion. This will help you take your business to the next level. Well-aligned benefices will help you in your cause.

This will be a period of fortune and auspicious happenings in terms of financial growth. It will lead you towards enjoying comforts and luxuries. This period will have a positive impact on your relationship with your love partner or spouse. You will also be able to resolve any problems in your relationships. This phase will help you grow socially and earn you respect.

It is a good phase for higher education. Enhanced logic will help you in getting desired results. Your energy levels will be high. You will regain your vitality and are likely to be more productive.

Effects of Mercury transit in Sagittarius on Taurus individuals

The transit of Mercury will occur through the 8th house for Taureans. This house represents adversities. You need to use wise words while interacting with your subordinates at work. Avoid being aggressive or headstrong as it might land you in trouble. On a brighter side, you will see positive rays gradually. You are likely to face some obstacles in your business. To avoid issues, you will need to remain alert and attentive in your business.

It is suggested that you handle finance matters or investments cautiously. This period will demand strict discipline from you due to your tendency to waste resources on unnecessary things. You might be unable to spend quality time with your loved ones. Some problems in your married life can be caused due to being impatient and restless. The transit will demand you to take corrective measures in order to strengthen your relationship. This along with Mars transit and Sun transit in December may add to your impatience or work in your favor. To know what steps to take in order to pass successfully through this phase, you can get a detailed analysis through our online consultation.

You should take precautions for your health. There might be some fluctuations in your energy level. Hence, you are suggested to improve your eating habits with a nutritious diet. There are chances of problems in education. Students may find difficulties in understanding the subjects. Hence, you should take proper guidance from expert mentors.

Effects of Mercury transit in Sagittarius on Gemini individuals

Mercury will transit to the 7th house in your birth chart. This is the house of partnership and marriage. This transit will offer you good opportunities for career progression. Your desire for tangible or practical results will drive you towards success. Hence, you should grab the opportunities at hand. This seems to be a very important period for your business. You will remain busy in negotiating multiple deals. A good amount of orders will boost your sales.

Peace of mind will stay around you with financial growth. This will be a period of fortune and auspicious happenings. It will ultimately help you enjoy luxuries and comforts. You will be much emotional and soft-spoken with your partner. You will also be inclined towards pleasure-seeking activities. Your partner will be supportive of you during this phase.

You will be able to maintain your energy levels during this time. This will make you work the extra mile without being tired. Students will gain support in improving their studies. You will also be able to stick to your time table and focus more.

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Effects of Mercury transit in Sagittarius on Cancer individuals

For the Cancerians, Mercury will transit through the 6th house in your horoscope. This house represents jobs or enemies. You may experience performance pressure at the office during this transit. There might be a bit of difficulty in meeting schedules. But, you need to relax in between so as to decrease your stress levels. For business individuals, this is a very important phase. This period is likely to bring more opportunities for business advancement. You will be productive in your communication.

In terms of finances, the period seems quite unstable. You need to remain vigilant on expenses or it may affect your financial planning. Avoid unnecessary arguments with your spouse and family members. This period will make you aware of some problems in your personal life. Hence, you need to remain calm and avoid being trapped in petty issues.

You may not feel much comfortable with your fitness. It is essential to practice yoga and pranayama regularly. Students may face issues due to the lack of proper focus and concentration. Hence, you should make it a schedule to study at a proper dedicated time.

Effects of Mercury transit in Sagittarius on Leo individuals

Mercury is going to transit through the 5th house for Leos. This is the house of love. Happiness will flow towards you from your loved ones. You will be able to balance your personal and professional life by spending a good time with your near ones.

Your opponents won’t succeed in their attempts to harm you. You will emerge as a powerful person and stand dominated in this period. The phase will prove favorable for your business advancement using your funds. You should make good use of this time to enhance growth in your endeavors.

It would be a period of fortune and receiving monetary rewards. You will be able to manage your financial matters more efficiently. You will remain in pink of health and relaxed. Students will be blessed with ample opportunities to showcase their abilities. Expressing your inner thoughts and creative ideas will benefit you in getting the desired results.

Effects of Mercury transit in Sagittarius on Virgo individuals

The transit of Mercury will occur in the 4th house for Virgos. This is the house of happiness. You would get growth in your professional matters. The recognition and achievements through your efforts will give worthy results. For business people, your past hard efforts will start yielding results. You may get support from people around you. Planets are favoring you for result-oriented actions.

You will be enjoying most of the comforts and worldly pleasures. Your financial desires will come true and you will stay connected with good people. The problems in your marital or love relationship will get resolved and well-wishers will support you. This phase will bring you joy in life.

Maintain your enthusiasm and peace of mind by engaging in physical activities. Your health and fitness levels are likely to improve. Students will give good performance and hard work will yield good results.

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Effects of Mercury transit in Sagittarius on Libra individuals

Mercury will transit through the 3rd house in your birth chart. This house signifies communication and courage. You will tackle most of the issues with courage and get rewarded in your office. Your perseverance will help you to move forward in your professional life. Business individuals will have a strong urge to achieve higher growth in endeavors. You will get the chance to make things work with the help of your experience.

There are chances of your financial planning getting disrupted. You will need to think twice before making any financial commitments. In terms of love life, it would be a period of happiness and bliss. You will be able to express emotions to your spouse. Ultimately, this period will lead to positive impacts.

Your positive mindset will lead to good health. You will stay fit and fine during the transit period. Students will tend to learn by exploring various areas of life. There are high chances of travel or short trips for research or project related work in your higher education courses.

Effects of Mercury transit in Sagittarius on Scorpio individuals

Mercury will transit to the 2nd house for Scorpions. This house is the signifier of finance and family. Miscommunication may cause some issues and obstacles in your workplace. Hence, you will need to control your temper and act wisely to finish your tasks. You may face difficulties in increasing the pace of your business activities. You should follow a clear and defined path to run your business else you will be stuck in an unknown direction.

This phase might cause some pressure on your financial status. You are suggested to plan investments only after careful consideration and guidance. You are likely to spend on lavish items. It is suggested that you avoid getting involved in unworthy pursuits. In love or marital life, there will be a lack of peace. You may feel distressed at home, hence you should try to focus on spending some time alone. This will help you relax and contemplate your emotions.

You need to be careful about older health issues. Relaxing in between your schedules will help maintain your health. Students will be focused on their studies and get favorable results in exams.

Effects of Mercury transit in Sagittarius on Sagittarius individuals

The transit of Mercury is occurring in your own sign and hence it will enter the 1st house in your horoscope. This is the house of self. The transit will bestow you with many positive aspects. Your seniors will support you in the office. You are likely to get some good opportunities for growth in career. You will be able to accelerate the pace of your business activities. It is a good time to start a new project and make an impression on others.

You are likely to find some excellent earning opportunities. You will get involved in various financial pursuits. These opportunities will further enhance your financial strengths. This period will have a lack of peace in your family. Your partner might also have a difference of opinions on many matters. Hence, you need to tackle issues in a calm and composed manner.

Your immune system will remain strong. The planetary position may prompt you to center your mind via physical activity. Communication skills and logic in students will increase. This will help you in connecting with others. You will be able to clear your doubts and understand concepts.

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Effects of Mercury transit in Sagittarius on Capricorn individuals

Mercury is going to make its transit to the 12th house for the Capricornians. This is the house of expenses. There would be an increase in competition in your office. It will be a hectic phase. You will need to sweep through the obstacles on your path for success. Business people are suggested not to go for unnecessary deals presently. You will need to remain careful and prepared for any unexpected issue arising in your business.

You may face problems to fulfill your commitments as the inflow of money may be less. You should avoid over-ambitious attempts for gains during this phase. You will observe betterment in your love or marital life gradually. You will enjoy your relationship with the help of your communication skills.

It is suggested that you control your stress levels during this period. Due to busy schedules, your exercise regimen and routine tasks may get affected. Students might think of moving abroad in order to pursue further education.

Also read: Effects of Sun Transit in Sagittarius on all Zodiac Signs

Effects of Mercury transit in Sagittarius on Aquarius individuals

The transit of Mercury will be in the 11th house. This house represents gains and benefits. You will do well in your office and achieve success. You will handle all your responsibilities in a wise manner. This is an ideal time to present special ideas to clients and associates. Increased confidence and renewed enthusiasm will help you to get benefitted. This is a supportive time to explore new territory for sales.

This is the period of receiving riches and materialistic wealth. This will keep your financial position satisfying. Love life will be excellent during this time. Some problems of the past will be resolved. In all, this period will boost your personal life.

Some uneasiness can lead to headaches. You are suggested to have a controlled and nutritive diet to maintain health. Students will have a great desire to excel in studies. Your results will help you gain honor and respect.

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Effects of Mercury transit in Sagittarius on Pisces individuals

Mercury is going to ingress to the 10th house for the Pisces. This house represents career or profession. You need to avoid taking any hasty career decision during this phase. Your seniors will expect you to put more hard work. You will need to increase your endeavor for acquiring success in business. There may be some situations wherein you may feel that things are moving inappropriately. You need to be cautious and work hard to achieve your objective.

You may sign new deals that will add to your finances. You are likely to receive wealth from various channels. You can expect to have a better inflow of money in this phase. You may fail to spare enough time for your partner and loved ones. You need to patiently keep your temptations in control and concentrate more on social and family responsibilities.

You will regain your vitality levels. There will be a feeling of more energy and motivation in keeping yourself healthy. This period will help students in realizing academic expectations. You will get considerable success in your endeavor.

The planetary transits can have a great impact on everyone. Find out how the Mars transit in Scorpio affect your zodiac sign?
and take the help of expert astrologers to tackle problems in life.

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