Come Christmas and the first thought that occurs to mind is Santa Clause knocking on the door with a hamper full of gifts. There is no denying we love to receive them, but there is equally no denying that we also love to give gifts to our near and dear ones on Christmas. While receiving gifts is easy, as you don’t have to apply your mind to it, giving a gift can give you sleepless nights in the run-up to Christmas. It is the selecting part which is the most difficult. Ganesha makes it easy by suggesting things that you can give based on the Sun Signs of your beloved ones to whom you wish to gift things. As the suggestions are based on the general personality traits of the receiver of gifts, you can rest assured, if you go by these suggestions, that the person at the receiving end is bound to love your gift.
Aries :
Being thoroughly materialistic, these Rams love to receive gifts. They will appreciate almost anything that you gift them, but there are some things they love more. They love the colour red, ruled, as they are, by Mars. Almost anything you give in red colour will thrill them – a decorative wall hanging, sparkling jewellery, shoes, a piece of furniture, a table lamp with a red shade, or even a red patterned football for the kiddo.
Taurus :
The pragmatic Bulls, they love sensuality and luxury. Ruled by Venus, they like it when you shower them with love as well as material objects, as long as the item was not bought at a cut-price shop. They also love to dine out, so taking them out for a candle-lit dinner would not be a bad idea this Christmas. They also appreciate anything that will make them feel cosy and warm – a luxurious fleece jacket, a soft woollen blanket, or even a box of fine chocolates.
Gemini :
These Twins, they are ruled by Mercury, and are thoroughly down to earth. They will rarely ever look at the price tag of the gift you give them, but will appreciate it more if it has a utilitarian value, such as a train ticket and a travel guide if they are planning a trip in the Christmas vacation. They are also great communicators, so give them a dongle with unlimited usage quota any day, so that they can stay connected to their near and dear ones on social networking sites 24/7.
Cancer :
Ruled by the Moon, these Crabs are moody and sensitive. They are very meticulous housekeepers, and love to take care of and pamper their family members. So they would love to be pampered in return, wouldn’t they? The ideal gifts for them would be home appliances – coffee makers, microwave ovens, delicate china dinner sets. But you need not go for just kitchen appliances. They would also love to receive plush bath fittings of the finest quality.

Leo :
The manner of giving is as important as the gift. Ruled by the Sun, the Lions want to be the cynosure of all eyes, so while giving the gift, you need to the make the occasion real big, and make sure the Lion is at the centre of it. Moreover, they consider themselves connoisseurs of art and fine jewellery. High quality accessories, such as bracelets, ear-rings, a gemstone studded comb, etc. make ideal gifts for them. Lace them with words of love and affection. And see the magic!
Virgo :
These Virgins, ruled by Mercury, are earthy, intellectuals, meticulous and generally cool as cucumbers. Apart from the gift, tastefully wrapped, the message it carries holds a lot of weight. They are very gracious recipients, but they are also sticklers for etiquette. Perfection is the key word for them, so select a perfect and suitable dress for them. A wrist watch, or a collage of their own images, or a self-improvement book would also make good gifts for them.

Libra :
Ruled by Venus, the Scales, as their symbolic name suggests, love balance in everything they do, give or take. They also tend to love beauty and comfort. They spend much of their time seeking peace and harmony, so that they can beat the stress of routine life. They love music, and if you need to give a Christmas gift to a Libra, pick up the latest album of their favourite singer, and they will adore you forever. You may also take them out for a movie or a dinner.
Scorpio :
The Scorpios are ruled by Mars, are philosophical and have a very strong will-power. They love mysteries or puzzles. Whether they skim through the morning newspaper or not, you will surely find them doing the crossword puzzle or the Sudoku. If it is a book you must give them, pick up a Sherlock Holmes. Since they are themselves seductive by nature, they enjoy anything sexy. They love dark colours like maroon, brown and black. You can win their hearts with a Black Forest.
Sagittarius :
The Archer, ruled by Jupiter, are fiery, imaginative, and yet they have a distinct streak of pragmatism running through them. They love to socialise, and therefore they party hard. They like to spend their time playing outdoor games, which opens a vast array of gifts that you can give them. You could buy them a cricket bat, a tennis racquet, or a box of Yonex shuttle-cocks. The Archers also love to travel, so taking them out to an exotic locale is not a bad idea.
Capricorn :
The Goats are ruled by Saturn. They are resourceful, realistic, practical and blunt. They love the creature comforts of life. They would fall for anything soft and warm, such as a thick quilt or sofa pillows. However, they are simple at heart, and would rather go for something which has a utility value, rather than something they would have to keep as a show-piece and merely dust it every morning. You might also like to spend some quality time with them, as you know they love it.
Aquarius :
The Water Carriers, ruled by Saturn, are shy, sensitive, intelligent and cool people. They also have a lot of creative talents. When buying something for them for a Christmas gift, don’t rush to the nearest gift shop. You need to think and give them something unusual which will satiate their curiosity, such as a telescope, or creativity, such as a box of oil paints. A gift coupon for an aromatherapy centre, or a beautiful crystal ring, too, would be good ideas.

Pisces :
The Fish, ruled by Jupiter, are a watery Sign. They are sensitive, timid, and sympathetic. Since they are also very imaginative and creative, anything which would fulfil these tendencies would be more than welcome. They are also romantic souls, and spirituality has a strong appeal for them. They appreciate beautiful things, not necessarily expensive things. Give them a bouquet of flowers or a hand-made wall-hanging to win their
With Ganesha’s Grace,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team