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Effects of Saturn Transit on Aquarius Moon Sign

Being the slowest-moving planet, Saturn leaves a long-lasting and deep impact on an individual. The taskmaster makes sure that the ride would not be as easy as you think. The time that the planet comes back home to Capricorn is here. The transit is starting on 17th Jan 2023 and ends around April 2023. It stays in any sign for about two and a half years. Hence, it takes 30 good years to visit all the 12 signs of the zodiac wheel. The current transit of Saturn is in its own zodiac sign. Hence, it will be like a homecoming!

For the Aquarius sign individuals, Saturn is transiting to the 12th house in your birth chart. This house is the significator of expenditure, loss of wealth, distant travel, foreign land, spiritual and secret learning. Hence, these are the major areas that will be impacted during the transit. The effects of Sade Sati on Aquarius sign individuals can be challenging sometimes. But your performance will make success kiss your feet.

With Saturn Transit through Sagittarius in 2017, you may have started filtering your friends. You would have realized that some people keep in touch just for the sake of their work being done. Some may have kept in touch with you just to pour their heart. You would have learned to check on such intentions before extending your relations. This process might have taken time. However, things would have changed in a positive manner for you. Find out what the upcoming transit of Saturn has in store for you.

This is the first phase of Sade Sati for you. During this phase, you will get chances to travel abroad or at least to some distant places. This phase will be slightly challenging than the period till now. The time will be demanding and you will be expected to work harder during this period. Your views and opinions may not be taken seriously by others, as compared to the past. However, you will have dialogues with ‘self’ and during these interactions, you should keep motivating yourself to perform better. There will be sudden changes in your thinking patterns. You will be able to understand others in a better manner and will be more sympathetic. Get your personalized and descriptive handwritten Sade Sati Report to know the guidelines for improving your upcoming phase.

(Kindly note: the below predictions are mentioned according to moon sign.)

You will experience a bit of arguments and distances in your relations at work and personal life. Spending money wisely and keeping a tab on health will be a major requirement. It’s time that you work uniquely and garnish your cake with a new cherry of achievement on the top.

Read about the remedies to neutralize the bad influence of Saturn in your life.

  • Colleagues at the workplace may fail to cooperate with you. They may try to come in between your work and hinder your progress.
  • It would be beneficial to proceed with a definite plan in mind before starting your work.
  • Your seniors might fail to understand your way of thinking and work style. Frequent arguments are likely to happen in the office.
  • This may strain your relations with them.
  • Do not lose focus from the fundamental areas and try to maintain a rock-solid stance. This will help you in consolidating your position in your professional life.
  • You should not get disappointed if you do not get the results of your dedication instantly. You will get good results when it matters the most.
  • If you wish to avoid job change, then you will need to work towards your goal with patience and perseverance.
  • Finding the key areas of your work and giving a unique angle for your company goals will pave the way to success. Get your personalized Saturn Transit Report and improve your career.

  • Your sincere efforts will boost the growth levels in import-export related business.
  • You may experience a bit of delay in launching new products for business related to other areas. Hence, you need to inculcate appropriate planning and patience.
  • You are likely to have arguments and differences of opinion with your business partners and subordinates.
  • Adopt a more systematic and methodical approach towards your business which will help you in stabilizing it.
  • You will need to keep amicable discussions and find a middle ground to avoid straining relations with them.
  • You are suggested to keep your company goals aligned in the right manner. It would be better if you take one thing at a time and focus on the basics to finish it first. This will give the desired stability in your business. Get your personalized Saturn Transit Report to boost your business profits.

  • The Saturn transit is going to give some issues related to finances.
  • However, you may get benefits from your past investments during this transit.
  • You may have to keep a close watch on your expenses over unplanned or unnecessary things.
  • Investing from a long term perspective will help you in stabilizing your financial position.
  • Keeping a financial plan and record book will help you maintain your finances.
  • Family members may be able to offer less support in terms of money. There are chances of spending for the elder members of your family.
  • Hence, you are suggested to focus on opportunities that can give you additional monetary benefits.
  • You can start saving in advance to be able to use money in needful times. Get your personalized Saturn Transit Report and improve your finances.

  • The transit of Saturn is going to teach you some essential things related to your love life.
  • Your loved one may fail to respond in the manner you want them to. Your relationship may become like a distant ship from the shore.
  • Spending sweet moments, giving gifts or doing small things for your partner will sail your ship in a positive direction.
  • You need to show extreme care for your relationships to keep them healthy.
  • Married people will need to give quality time to their spouse. This will give them a sense of security.
  • In addition to this, you need to set expectations that can match the reality. This will maintain your relationship with your spouse. Get your personalized Saturn Transit Report for the betterment of your relationships.

  • You need to check your health and seek medical help if required.
  • Some ailments might bother you during the transit phase.
  • Take some time to go out walking or jogging. Such activities will refresh you and will also help you in maintaining good health.
  • Health of the aged people can be a cause of concern. Their hospitalization may create mental stress and worries.
  • Hence, you are suggested to pay attention to your health and that of your family members. Get your personalized Saturn Transit Report to know guidelines to stay healthy and fit.

In a nutshell, Saturn will be the taskmaster who will shape you in the right manner. You should not fear the Lord and take lessons like a good student. In the end, he will reward you for your strengths and the learnings you took.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,