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Whoopi Goldberg Horoscope Analysis

Not a very happening year in store for Whoopi

Whoopi Goldberg
Date of birth :- 13th November, 1955
Birth Time :- 12.48 Hrs
Place of Birth :- New York , NY,USA


Astrological Observations:-

  • Jupiter will be transiting over her Natal Jupiter in the 8th House of her Natal Chart, till 11th August, 2016.
  • Saturn will be transiting over her Natal Venus, Saturn and Rahu in the 11th House and will be aspecting her Ketu in the 5th House. The transiting Saturn will also be maintaining a square aspect on her Natal Jupiter during the entire year ahead.
  • Rahu will be transiting over her Natal Mars in the 9th House till 30th January, 2016. After that, it will be transiting over her Jupiter..
  • She will be under the influence of the major period of Ketu and sub- period of Mercury till 27th May, 2016.

Astrological Predictions :-

  • Whoopi’s performances and spirit will be good but she herself may not remain very contented with what she is delivering. She is likely to face some health issues too with the Saturn return phase ruling till 26th January, 2017.
  • However, she will be under the influence of the sub-period of Mercury, that will maintain her popularity and will give general happiness, till 27th May, 2016.
  • She may not get good offers for stage programs or hosting TV shows or films during this time frame. She may have to compromise on various aspects.
  • She may have to let go of some rigidity and and be cooperative with her friends and relatives to retain healthy relationship, till January 2016.
  • She may not get expected charges for her contracts for performing shows or films, post January 2016.
  • Owing to the influence of transiting Saturn, Whoopy may follow strict discipline and a regular routine and will try to limit herself to avoid exertion.
  • In a nutshell, the year ahead doesn’t seem to be a grand year, financially as well as professionally, concludes Ganesha.

Ganesha wishes a great time ahead to Whoopi Goldberg.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Rantidev A. Upadhyay
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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