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Happy Birthday Sania Mirza: How victorious she will be in the coming tour?

Happy Birthday Sania Mirza: How victorious she will be in the coming tour?

Even if you do not follow tennis, you cannot say that you haven’t heard the name of ace tennis player Sani Mirza! Or someone whose name just cannot fade away from the throwback of the tennis court for eternity. A sensational and path-breaking sports person Sania Mirza, the easy-going girl who has giggled a lot to become as strong as a nail and has come a long way in her journey. She once said, “For a girl to pick up a tennis racquet and want to be a professional player – it was unheard of. People thought it was a joke.” That is surely true. If we look back at her splendid career, the 33-year-old has aced against all odds, pun totally intended. She started her career at the age of just 9 and since then be it injuries, controversies or constant media glare on her personal life, Sania has never let anyone bother her. Her eye was always on being India’s no 1 player. Today she made India proud and even walked the ramp with swag! And become a prominent personality who not only inspired young women in India to take up tennis but also assured their parents that tennis is also a viable career option. This life has been an extraordinary journey for Sania who won 10 titles, including two Grand Slams with partner Martina Hingis apart from retaining the year-end WTA finals title in Singapore. In January 2020 she was preparing for her next WTA tour to win, but the pandemic suspended it, and it is not likely to resume till June 2021.

The pandemic would have impacted her sports but surely not the spirit of playing for the country. As she celebrates her birthday on 15th November 1986, we hope that she makes her comeback with a cutting edge spirit and wins some big titles for India and makes it proud again. And now let’s check out what her life has in store for her based on her Astrological Chart.

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Date of Birth: 15 Nov, 1986
Time of Birth: Not Known
Place of Birth: Bombay, Maharashtra, India

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As per her Zodiac sign Scorpio, she will be under the influence of the major period of the Moon and the Sub-period of Ketu until 3rd March, 2021, and after that the sub-period of Venus will begin. Rahu aspects Saturn placed in the 2nd house. Also, Saturn is transiting over Mars posited in the 4th house of her Chart. Transiting Jupiter aspects the Moon in the 2nd house of her chart till 19th november, 2020, and then Jupiter will enter Capricorn sharing roof with Saturn.

“Fitness is defined differently by everyone, but for me, the most important thing is being healthy”.

It is a common belief that sportsmen don’t fall sick but get injured only. There is no doubt that she is one of the fittest sportswomen in the world and would always be without any serious complications. But this year she may need to be a little careful from December 2020 to January end 2021 as she may confront unknown ailments regarding her health. The Antardasha of Saturn may create some disturbing effect during this period for her health. Want to know the future of your health, then Ask Our Expert

“As Tennis Players, You are Never Satisfied. We Are Greedy As Players, Always Want Better Results.”

The transit of planets would have been more impactful in the life of Sania due to which she has always been greedy and ran for better results. The coming year, Natal Moon, the lord of 10th house aspect the Mercury, the lord of 9th house posited in the Ascendant may create the circumstances in favour of her to make her fortune with new found partnership Nadiia Kichenok. It may help to make Tennis Doubles career success and evolve her career as well. This may take place post 1st week of March 2021 when she will be under the influence of the Sub period of Venus.

“My Biggest Strength Is That No One Can Read My Forehand.”

It’s true that nobody has ever read her mind. That’s the reason for being the toppest players in the world till date. The current transit of Saturn in the 5th house over the exalted Mars aspect Mercury, the Lord of 9th house. This combination may put her in a firmer position where nobody can be able to comprehend her cleverness and techniques. Also, the above combination and positive formation of planets and favour of luck by Mercury would help her get the title for Doubles.

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“We Stay Quite Far From Each Other, and That’s the Secret Of Our Happy Marriage Life”.

It is true that no boundaries and line of control can make him apart and has become a shadow line for themIn the coming month, Sania will be under the major influence of the Moon throughout the year, the transit of Jupiter post 29th November 2020 along with Saturn over Mars may give him content and an enjoyable married life. The relation between both would be quite harmonious, and both may be in a strong position to spare quality time with son Ishaan.

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Encouraging Philanthropist May Add Some More Feather To Her Crown

The Ascendant lord of her Surya Kundali is Venus, which stands for mankind, helping Nature, females, etc. She would get immense encouragement for holding as US women goodwill ambassador for South Asia, this perfect planetary position would encourage her in respect of taking her passion of doing extraordinary service for people at large. This has become a norm of her life to work as an activist and enjoy philanthropic status just like her celebrity status in sports.

We wish this gorgeous lady and an ace sports player to have a successful future ahead and make India proud by giving an extraordinary performance.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,

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