Ravindra Jadeja, who was part of India’s World Cup-winning Under-19 squad and IPL champions, Rajasthan Royals last year, has finally made it to the Indian cricket team, much to the delight and pleasure of cricket affectionadoes. A brilliant all rounder- bats left hand, bowls orthodox spin and a superb fielder- Jadeja made a compelling case of himself with his strong all round performance in the 2008-09 Ranji Trophy. But will he able to prove his prowess in the Sri Lankan series? Ganesha, gives a thumps up. Nonetheless, Jadeja has to put in loads of hard work to maintain his well-deserved position in the team, even as the probability of an injury plaguing his career seems to be all time high. Rest assured, he is the man to watch out for, in the next world cup, predicts Ganesha
Ravindra Anirudhsinh Jadeja
Date of birth:- December 06, 1988
Time of birth:- 10 hours 00 min.
Place of birth:- Jamnagar, Gujarat, India
Ravindra Jadeja’s Natal Chart
He is born with fiery Ascendant Sagittarius. Planet of sports Mars is placed in the 4th house aspecting the 10th house Cusp, indicating his strength as a sportsman. Being born with a Sagittarius Ascendant and the same Sun Sign, he is very much target oriented and full of zeal, on field.
Performance in the Sri Lanka Series
Ganesha foresees him using these characteristics to his own benefit while he moves on with Sri Lankan series. Transiting Jupiter will be aspecting the 10th house of success. Mars will be transiting through Capricorn – it’s sign of exaltation. Mars being the planet on an angle in his chart, will provide him with great force and vitality during the Sri Lanka tour. His performance may be inconsistent during Sri Lanka series but he will definitely play well in the 2nd, 3rd and 5th ODIs. He will have to work really hard to maintain his position in Team India.
Ravindra Jadeja’s Long Term Future
Ravindra is likely to rise and shine during 2010, says Ganesha. Considering Mars’ retrogression through Cancer, there are chances of physical injury, between December 22, 2009 and March 10, 2010. Ravindra’s graph will go upwards after March 2011 and he can also be a prospective player for the next world cup. Ganesha suggests him to wear jersey, with the number ‘6’ on it, in order to carry the good luck, while he is on the ground.
Good luck to Ravindra Jadeja and may Lord Ganesha bless him with bright career.
With Ganesha’s Grace,
Tanmay K.Thakar,