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The power of the 3rd House and a unique Mars-Rahu combine: Highlights of Pele’s Horoscope!

The power of the 3rd House and a unique Mars-Rahu combine: Highlights of Pele’s Horoscope!

In the world of Football, the legend and glory of Pele has been one of the brightest and most discussed areas. Edson Arantes do Nascimento, most popularly known to the world as Pele, is widely regarded to be the greatest player of all-time and was voted World Player of the Century by the International Federation of Football History and Statistics. With a staggering 541 League Goals and a total of 1281 goals to his credit, he was listed by Guiness Book of World Record for the most number of career goals by any footballer! The ‘Black Pearl’ has won 3 FIFA World Cups and he is the first one to have done so! There are a plethora of extraordinary feats that the giant has achieved in his phenomenal career and he still continues to be as passionate about the game as he was in his heydays and since his retirement in 1977, he has involved in a lot of humanitarian activities. How could the Brazilian Genius achieve such prominence and success? Is there a catalysing role that the planets played in propelling him towards such glory? Read on to find out…

Date of Birth :- 23rd October, 1940
Time of Birth :- 03.00 A.M.
Place of Birth :- Tres Coracoes, Brazil


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  • Pele was born with Leo Ascendant and the Lord of the Ascendant Sun is debilitated and placed in the 3rd House in his Natal Chart.
  • The Mars is a very important planet for any sportsperson. In Pele’s chart Yogakaraka planet Mars is conjunct with Rahu in 2nd House in the same degree. As such, Mars is also in exchange with Mercury. Further, both the planets have also established strong relationship with Mercury not only through association in the same House but by occupying its Moolatrikona Sign.
  • It may appear a bit strange that, despite Mars’ such close conjunction with Rahu, Pele has shone so brightly in the fields represented by Mars. But, the thing that has to be understood here is that the placement of Rahu in the Sign of Virgo is in itself womderful because Rahu is thus is well-dignified. So, Rahu reflects all the strengths and positive qualities of Mars and magnfies these aspects.
  • The Lord of the 4th House and 9th House Mars is placed in 2nd House with Rahu in Virgo and this made him brave, strong, famous and endowed him with great talents.
  • There is an exchange of Houses and Signs between Sun and Venus, which is an excellent factor. Being the Lord of the 3rd House and 10th House, Venus is placed in the Ascendant and the Lord of the Ascendant – the Sun is placed in the 3rd House. Ganesha points out that, due to such a powerful exchange resulting into the Parivartana Maharajayoga, Pele shone well in all the areas represented by the 3rd House. This factor gave him great strength, skill, technique and stamina and also the creativity to excel as a sportsperson.
  • Jupiter in Aries (the Sign of Mars) makes him good at sports. It also indicates his level of sportsmanship. As Jupiter being the 5th House of performance’s Lord is placed in his 9th House (the House of fortune) in his chart, he is able to perform so well. Jupiter’s conjunction with Saturn (the Lord of Public life – 7th House) is an added advantage. This factor has given him great mass appeal and gave him the enormous public response and huge numbers of fans all over the world.
  • Saturn Mahadasa (1951 to 1970) made him the super star of Football and propelled him towards great glory.
  • All these planetary positions made Pele the most talented, passionate and legendary footballer and he has thus been widely regarded as one of the greatest players of all time.

Ganesha wishes a great time ahead to Pele.

With Ganesha’s Grace
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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