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The worst maybe over….Yet, it’s still a difficult road ahead for Michael Schumacher, finds Ganesha.

The worst maybe over….Yet, it’s still a difficult road ahead for Michael Schumacher, finds Ganesha.

Michael Schumacher, the legendary German F1 racing driver, was born on 3rd January 1969. Schumacher holds the record of winning Formula One (F1) World Championship title for 7 times. Schumacher is considered as one of the greatest F1 drivers the sport has ever witnessed. Twice, he was named Laureus World Sportsman of the Year. He holds numerous Formula One driving records including most championships, race victories, pole positions, fastest laps and most races won in a single season (i.e. 12 of the first 13 races in the year 2004 and scoring 13 race victories) breaking his own record of 11 race wins in a season that was set in the year 2002.

Apart from his sporting career, 45 year old dynamic and mesmerising Schumacher functioned as a spokesperson for driver safety and an ambassador for UNESCO. Additionally, Schumacher has been involved in many humanitarian endeavours.

The F1 road God met with a deadly accident about 24 weeks ago, leaving the world stunned and praying for his well-being and revival. A skiing trip went ugly when the German star hit his head in a freak accident and slipped into coma, following a terrible hemorrhage and a subsequent surgery. The world and F1 legend’s fans never lost hope, though, and finally on June 16th 2014, it was declared that Schumacher is out of coma, is breathing unassisted and has been shifted to a care nearer to his home.

As the sports fans across the world heave a sigh of relief, Ganesha takes a look at the planetary combinations that led to Schumacher

Michael Schumacher
3rd January 1969
13 hours 43 mins
Hürth, Germany

Why? A Stellar perspective
Schumacher met with the ill-fated, near-fatal accident on 29th December 2013 during a skiing trip. Following was the Dasha Sequence on the day of his accident. And, also following is the detailed view of Schumacher’s Birth Chart’s Stellar positions.

Mahadasha Antardasha Pratyantardasha Sookshma Dasha PraN Dasha
Mercury Venus Mercury Moon Saturn
In Constellation In Constellation In Constellation In Constellation In Constellation
Uttarashadha Dhanishtha Uttarashadha Ardra Revati
Constellation Lord Constellation Lord Constellation Lord Constellation Lord Constellation Lord
Sun Mars Sun Rahu Mercury
Constellation Lord in house Constellation Lord in house Constellation Lord in house Constellation Lord in house Constellation Lord in house
8th 6th 8th 11th 11th

Ganesha notes that in Mahadasha, Antardasha and Pratyantardasha, 6th and 8th Houses were involved. This is the root cause behind why Schumacher met with an accident. Mercury is Maraka in the Taurus Ascendant Chart. It is involved at two places in the Dasha sequence. This factor added fuel to the entire mishap incidence.

The reason why Schumacher survived, or could be saved – lies in Sookshma Dasha and PraN Dasha. The constellation Lords of Sookshma Dasha and PraN Dasha Rulers are in the 11th House of Gains, which is why he was saved. However, it is to be noted that Saturn is in Revati Constellation, the last constellation of the Zodiac. This is not a good sign! Thankfully, the reason why he is still surviving is that Saturn is aspecting the 8th House of Longevity.

Is Schumacher really out of danger?
Ganesha notes that the Mercury major period, the Sun sub period and the Mercury Sub sub period for F1 legend will start ruling on 30th November 2014. This period shall rule till 13th January 2015. Also, Schumacher’s Mercury Dasha will get over in the year 2025.

In view of the same, it may be surmised that the overall period of Mercury Dasha is going to be difficult for Schumacher, because Mercury, the Badhaka, is placed in the 9th House of Luck, and in Mercury’s constellation Lord Sun is placed in the 8th House of Schumacher’s Chart.

Considering all the planetary transits and Dasha Bhuktis, Ganesha feels that although Schumacher is out of coma and also danger apparently, he is going to take a very long time to recover completely at the rehabilitation center. This period may not be in months, but in years, feels Ganesha.

May Schumacher live long, wishes Ganesha!

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Bhavesh N. Pattni
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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