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The Class of KP may become a thing of the past; Saturn’s Jinx May Be Preventing His Return!

The Class of KP may become a thing of the past; Saturn’s Jinx May Be Preventing His Return!

Kevin Pietersen is one of the most majestic, stylish and flamboyant cricketers and he has played innumerable innings, which would make for the perfect memory for any cricket lover! He has always been known for his trademark devil-may-care attitude and elegant style of play and the juicy shots that he used to send flying into thin air or the mind-blowing switch-hits or that endearing swagger that were the typical characteristics of Pietersen, have sort of become things of the past! We would want cricketers like these to go on and on, but destiny has its own ways, and in some cases, very cruel ways! KP has seen a decline in his career, which is unexplainable and incomprehensible, as he was performing well even at the time when he was last dropped from the English National Side! But, one thing which may have further hampered his prospects can be his eccentricity and frivolous attitude, as he is not the one to mince words and is always at the front to call a spade, a spade! This lack of tact and caution in his behaviour, we may think can be detrimental to his own well-being, but, come on! Kevin doesn’t care! He has always been a free-spirited person, and shall continue being like that. But in the latest news from the world of English Cricket, it’s been reported that Pietersen has not been selected in the national squad that shall play against South Africa in the upcoming series. What is the cosmic picture that may be causing such strange situations for KP? Is he not in for a good period currently? Let’s get the answers from Ganesha!

Kevin Pietersen :- England Cricketer
Date of birth :- 27th June, 1980
Birth Time :- Not Known
Place of Birth :- Pietermaritzburg, Natal, South Africa


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[Owing to the unavailability of credible birth-time of Kevin, the analysis and predictions have been done on the basis of the Solar Chart/ Surya Kundli with the help of his birth-date and birth-place only.]

  • After taking a proper view of the transitory influences of the planets on the Natal planets, Ganesha feels that Kevin is in for mixed phase, laced with ups and downs. Jupiter is transtiting through a very important House in his Chart, but Kevin may not be able to benefit entirely out of Jupiter’s benevolence, as the restrictive Saturn is casting its aspect on the Sign of Leo, wherein all the key planets are posited! This aspect of Saturn is preventing Kevin from being able to get the right oppurtunities, on the basis of which he can create a new inroad into the national squad. Due to this strange play of destiny, Kevin may not be able to work his magic again anytime soon!

  • Saturn was aspecting his Mercury and Rahu in the Sign of Cancer from 4th August, 2012 to 3rd November, 2014.
  • Looking at the above negative influence of transiting Saturn in his chart since August 2012, the decline in in his career and flourish can be understood. This did give a major blow to his chances of playing or of getting selected for leading tournaments. Moreover, KP has a Mercury-Rahu conjunction in his Chart and this Yoga gives him the eccentric and wayward tinge and makes him express aggression in an untoward manner and without much calculation. This may also be a factor which may have hampered his chances, as he wouldn’t be able to make the best use of some opportunities that may come his way, and even if he comes across any chances, he may, by his own eccentricity spoil the situations. Thus, Ganesha finds a need for Kevin to be a bit more calm and careful in his speech!

  • Jupiter will be aspecting his Ketu and Venus, post 11th August 2016, when it will be transiting through his Virgo sign, in his Solar Chart.
  • Ganesha predicts that he will have moderate chances to get selected and display his calibre post 11th August, 2016, the time when transiting Jupiter will be favourable to some extent to him for his career. Till then, uncertainty will be looming large in his career.

Ganesha wishes good luck to the Kevin Pietersen .

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