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Ji Yai Shin wins Orient China Ladies Open

Ji Yai Shin wins Orient China Ladies Open

Ji Yai Shin has reeled in seven birdies and has successfully defeated Tseng Y Ni from Tiwan and other contestants to claim Orient China Ladies Open. Ganesha would like to give his astrological comments on this young and dynamic golfer.

Shin is born on 28th April 1988 so her birth number is 1 ruled by Sun which indicates ‘spirit to excel and win’. In her horoscope, fire is the predominant of all other elements; fire possesses highest percentage. Hence once she determines to win, it is difficult to defeat her. As per Vedic Astrology system, she has exalted Mars in the Midheaven from her Surya Kundli (Solar birth chart). Mars is the ruler of energy and Vigour, passing through the sign that rules hands and intellect both – Gemini. Venus is also very important for winning, media projection and glory. Shin’s Natal Venus is in Taurus (its own sign) and transiting Venus as per Vedic Astrology System is at present in Libra. So, it boosted the scopes of winning seven bridies.

In Shin’s Solar Return Chart for 2007 and 2008, she has Mars posited right on the Ascendant, which indicates that she will be able to play well. In the Return chart, Sun is exalted in the Parakrama Bhuvan (house of daring and courage) so she could give very good fight to opponents.

Ganesha observes that during the next year after her birthday, she will have exalted Sun in the 11th house of Gains in the Solar Return chart with Venus and Mercury. Ganesha finds her excelling in her game during next year and we can expect her to win more titles during 2008 and 2009, by the Grace of Ganesha.

Ganesha wishes a bright career to Ji Yai Shin.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Bhavesh N. Pattni

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