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India Set To Down England And Win ICC Women’s World Cup Title, Predicts Ganesha

India Set To Down England And Win ICC Women’s World Cup
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Cricket is called the gentleman’s game. However, this tag has for long implied exclusion of women from actively participating in the cricket. But that seems to be changing now. Women’s cricket is now gaining more importance and limelight. And the best part is that Indian Women’s cricket has now stormed into the ICC Women’s World Cup Final. Cricket generates huge revenues and business. Do you want to know the future of your business? Buy the 2017 Business Report and get the guidance.

Everybody is now guessing about the winner of this match which is going to be played on 23rd July 2017. Ganesha has made a prediction which will bring further cheers to the Indian fans. Yes, as per Ganesha’s prediction our girls are going to win the ICC World Cup Final. Tournaments boost the prospects of players. Do you want your career to get the boost? Get the Free 2017 Career Report and find the difference.

Question: Who will win the Match?England Women v India Women Final – ICC WOMEN’S WORLD CUP
Horary Number: 70 (out of 249)
Date of Analysis: 23-07-2017, Sunday;
Time of Analysis: 10:30:00 AM;
Place of Analysis: Lord’s, London
Long/Lat: 51° N 30′, 0° W 10’
K.P. Aynamsha: 24°.0′.43″

Rule6th Cusp Sbl Signify 6,10,11(1st Team Win) 6th Cusp Sbl Signify 4,5,12 (Opponent Team Win)

6th Cus SblJupiter+(4, 6-10, [2, 6, 8]), in the star of Moon(12, 1-2), in the sub of Venus+(11, 5, [5]).6th Cus Sbl Jupiter signify 12,4 & 6,10Hence, India Women Cricket Team have chances of winning the ICC WOMEN’S WORLD CUP 2017 Match.

DasaSaturn (5, 7-8-9), in the star of Mercury (2, 4-12), in the sub of Saturn (5, 7-8-9).Dasa lord Saturn signify 4,12,5Hence, India Women Cricket Team have chances of winning the ICC WOMEN’S WORLD CUP 2017 Match.

BhuktiMercury(2, 4-12), in the star of Ketu(8), in the sub of Venus+(11, 5, [5]).Ke is agent of Mercury(2, 4-12), Bhukti Lord Mercury signify 4,12Hence, India Women Cricket Team have chances of winning the ICC WOMEN’S WORLD CUP 2017 Match. AntraRahu+(2, [3, 12]), in the star of Ketu(8), in the sub of Venus+(11, 5, [5]).Ketu is agent of Mercury(2, 4-12), Antra lord Rahu signify 4,12Hence, India Women Cricket Team have chances of winning the ICC WOMEN’S WORLD CUP 2017 Match.

SukshmaJupiter+(4, 6-10, [2, 6, 8]), in the star of Moon(12, 1-2), in the sub of Venus+(11, 5, [5]).Sukshma lord Jupiter signify 12,4 Hence, India Women Cricket Team have chances of winning the ICC WOMEN’S WORLD CUP 2017 Match.

Conclusion: Considering the event chart,6th Csl & Dasa Bhukti, Ganesha feels that India Women Cricket Team will win the ICC WOMEN’S WORLD CUP 2017 Match against England.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Sadanshivkar (Sangamji),
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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