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India Vs England ODI predictions

India Vs England ODI predictions

4th ODI – 23rd November at 1400 Hours in Bangalore
Boss of the toss: India will win the toss.
Prediction: England today may take revenge of the past matches and win it today.

5th ODI – 26th November at 1400 Hours in Cuttack
Boss of the toss: England will win the toss.
Prediction:The Indians will again tipple the English and win the match today.

6th ODI – 29th November at 0900 Hours in Guwahati
Boss of the toss: India will win the toss.
Prediction:Today is again England’s day.

7th ODI – 2nd December at 1400 Hours in Delhi
Boss of the toss: England will win the toss.
Prediction: The day and the series seems to be India’s.

Wishing good luck to both the teams.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Rikhav Khimasia

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