Aamir Khan, an actor par excellence with the typical chocolate hero looks is undoubtedly the ‘Mr. Perfectionist’ of bollywood. Aamir, who hails from a film background, started his career as a child artist in the year 1973. With the right choice of films, this method actor has eventually become the most sought after star in the film industry. Today, the name Aamir Khan is considered synonymous with good quality cinema.
Ganesha takes the help of Vedic Astrology System to find out how the coming year will be for this talented actor, director and producer who is at the apex of stardom:
Aamir Khan
Date of birth:- 14th March 1965
Time of birth:- Unknown
Place of birth:- Mumbai, India
Astrological Observations
- Aquarius.
- Transiting Ketu will be in Sextile aspect with planetary Stellium in Aquarius.
- Saturn will be transiting through the 8th House from Sun and will be in opposition with Mercury.
The year ahead:
- 2010 is going to be a slightly different and to some extent a critical year for the actor. But he will definitely keep up with the good work during the coming year.
- In 2010, he might experience some financial problems, however, that won’t stop him from producing good films. He may earn good money in the second half of the year, says Ganesha. He may also be nominated for some awards this year.
- Post May 2010, Aamir may undergo an operation or may suffer from an injury.
- He will be highly concerned about his health in the year ahead.
- A positive turning point in his career is envisaged post last quarter of 2010.
With Ganesha’s Grace,
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