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Dustin Brown may be the one to watch out for in Tennis, says Ganesha…

Dustin Brown may be the one to watch out for in Tennis, says Ganesha…

Dustin Brown stunned Rafael Nadal last week and endeared himself to the Centre Court crowd at Wimbledon with a flamboyant win over four sets. Ganesha takes a look at the chart of the latest headturner and predicts the way ahead. Let’s take a look…

Dustin Brown:- Tennis Player
Date of birth :- 08th December, 1984
Birth Time :- NOT KNOWN
Place of Birth :- Celle, West Germany


Owing to the unavailability of credible birth-time of the Tennis star, the Astrological analysis and predictions have been made on the basis of the Solar Chart or Surya Kundli with the help of the Birth Date and Birth Place.

  • Rahu – Ketu are transiting through the 11th House and the 5th House respectively, till January 2016, of the Solar Chart.
  • Currently Jupiter is transiting through the 9th House of the Solar Chart. It is aspecting the Sun and Ketu, who are placed in the 1st House and the exalted Mars and Venus of the 3rd House till 14th July, 2015. Jupiter will be transiting through the Sign of Leo. It will be aspecting swagruhi Jupiter and retrograde Mercury placed in the 2nd House of the Solar Chart, post 14th July, 2015.
  • Retrograde (till 2nd August, 2015) Saturn is transiting over the Sun and Ketu through the 1st House, aspecting the exalted Mars, Venus in the 3rd House and Rahu in the 7th House of his Solar Chart.

1) What do the stars indicate about this new Tennis wonder? What are the current transits that are favouring him so well?

  • Ganesha feels that Dustin Brown has been able to put up an excellent performance and in a huge upset has beat Rafael Nadal unexpectedly in the second round of Wimbledon, as the Jupiter’s transit in the 9th House of fortune and its aspect on the Sun (lord of the 10th House of success) posited in the 1st House and also Venus and Mars, both posited in the 3rd House of his Solar Chart. All these factors indicate that stars are much favourable, currently for him and has helped him to amaze the audiences. Jupiter will be transiting through the 9th House, the House of fortune of his Chart and will continue to favour him till the 14th July, 2015.

2) Is he destined to achieve great glory and will he join the league of the greats in future? How is the upcoming year going to be for him?

  • Ganesha feels that, post 14th July, 2015, the transiting Jupiter in the Sign of Leo, will be aspecting the swagruhi Jupiter – the lord of the 5th House of performance and Mercury – the lord of the 11th House of gains of his Chart, ans this will be giving maximum benefit of its positiveness to Dustin Brown. This transit of Jupiter and its effect on his Chart will be favouring him the most, but he will be able to give his better performance post January 2016, as he will get a new boost of confidence and a surge of energy.
  • However, during the next one year he may be prone to some illnesses or health issues, which may affect his performance as well, because the transit of Saturn may give adverse effects as regards his health. He will have to pay attention for his health as this may become a major reason the inability to perform better. Achieving victories may not be that easy, and he will have to put in great efforts, says Ganesha.
  • The transit of Jupiter in Leo will turn out to be the catalysing agent in his case in the coming one year, so he should try to make the most out of it.

Ganesha wishes good luck to German stunner Dustin Brown for the forthcoming Tournaments and Matches.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Rantidev A. Upadhyay
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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