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Drug addiction among sportspersons: An astrological Explanation

Drug addiction among sportspersons: An astrological Explanation

ntroduction: Since time immemorial instances of drug abuse have kept coming to the fore. Elaborate systems of detecting the use of performance- enhancing substances have been put in place by the various international sport organising authorities. However, lately it has been seen that players do not use the so called ‘drugs’ only to enhance their performances but also for sensual pleasure. Moreover, until very recent times, this ‘abuse’ was mainly seen in Athletics but now we see it happening in games such as cricket and tennis as well. Here Ganesha provides an astrological explanation of what can make a player use or, more correctly, abuse drugs.

When we think about Drug addictions Neptune strikes our mind straight away. Its symbol is the trident, and it is the ruler of Pisces and the 12th house of Zodiac.

Neptune rules intoxication, alcohol and recreational drugs. In fact, people with a strong Neptune are often warned to stay away from intoxication as much as possible.

In any chart the 2nd house signifies what is ingested through the mouth because the 2nd house sign of Taurus rules the mouth. Rahu and Ketu , in particular, are considered planets of addiction but Saturn and Mars also can cause harm to oneself. As we already know, Venus is a planet of pleasure and luxury and Mars’ association with Venus can represent overindulgence.

So adverse combinations like Sun-Rahu, Sun-Ketu, Venus-Rahu, Venus-Ketu, Venus-Mars, Rahu-Neptune, Mars-Neptune, Sun-Neptune can lead to addiction. And if Moon is also afflicted then the native may find it very difficult to quit such addictions.

MOHAMMAD ASIF was detained at Dubai airport last Sunday for having drugs in his possession. In Asif’s chart Venus-Sun-Neptnue-Ketu-Mercury are placed in Sagittarius sign. So Venus is afflicted and Neptune is associated with Ketu and Sun indicating addiction.

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SHOAIB AKHTAR and MOHAMMAD ASIF were banned from international cricket in 2006 for testing positive for a banned substance. In Shoaib’s chart we find Rahu-Neptune in Scorpio in opposition with Mars which is a dangerous configuration in the context of drug addiction. Adding to this Venus-Mercury is Leo in square with Mars-Ketu placed in Taurus. Sun conjuncts Saturn in watery sign Cancer. So there are clear signals of drug addiction.

SHANE WARNE was banned for a year after diuretic was detected in his urine just a few days before the commencement of the 2003 CricketWorld Cup. In his chart Sun-Ketu conjunction is square with Neptune which is placed in the watery sign Scorpio. Moon is placed with Uranus-Pluto.

IAN BOTHAM was suspended for smoking cannabis in 1986. In his chart Mars-Neptune conjunction is in Libra. Sun-Venus-Rahu-Saturn-Mercury in Scorpio looks ominous. Adding to this Venus is in exchange with Mars.

HERSCHELLE GIBBS was fined for smoking marijuana during South Africa’s tour of West Indies in 2001. He also has Sun square Neptune and Mars-Neptune opposition where Mars is placed in Sign Taurus.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Tanmay K.Thakar,

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