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When will Amarnath see peace?

When will Amarnath see peace?

The Amarnath issue that has been in the news for the last 35 days has already claimed 15 lives and a huge property loss. Recently 38 leaders of India’s diverse political parties agreed on peace and dialogue at a meeting convened by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Every one is worried when this issue will finally settle down.

Ganesha looks into India’s Independence chart to predict on the resolution of Amarnath Issue.

Date of Birth- August 15, 2008
Time- Midnight
Place- Delhi

Astro Analysis
The State of Jammu & Kashmir as per Varah Mihira is ruled by the sign Simha (Leo). Notice that India’s fourth house of domestic peace has the Leo sign. We have often observed in independent India’s history that J&K has been the most disturbed state and has always felt the lack of peace, harmony and calm. The reason being, Sun, the Lord of the fourth house is twelfth to its own house and is in applying square to Natal Ketu, a separative planet.

In the current scenario, Ganesha observes that Shani is passing through Leo since a long time and Mangal entered Leo on June 22, 2008. These two natural malefic planets in the Leo sign are receiving aspects from Guru, Uranus and Neptune, of which Neptune a mischievous planet of strange nature, being retrograde since long and Uranus becoming retrograde on June 27, 2008 flared up the whole issue and created communal disharmony and unrest.

Does this chaos has a fullstop?
Ganesha now looks at the future. Notice that on August 9, 2008, Mangal will leave Leo, assuring that violence will recede considerably. Neptune has already stopped aspecting Leo as it has moved to Capricorn vide retrogression. This definitely will help in reducing the tensions once Mangal moves out of Leo.

Ganesha also notes that Shani will be passing through Leo in opposition to transiting retrograde Uranus, this may not let the issue settle till September 9, 2009.

Ganesha feels that from August 9, 2008 there will definitely be a stop to the violence and the issue may be solved or steps towards the same may definitely be taken.

Wishing India domestic peace and calm.

Ganesha’s Grace
Rikhav Khimasia
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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