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What will G8 Summit 2008 bring about for India?

What will G8 Summit 2008 bring about for India?

The G8 summit is scheduled to take place from July 7 to July 9, 2008 at Toyako, Japan. India will be one of the five non-memeber countries participating in the G8 summit. 2008.

Astrological Analysis
Ganesha analyses India’s schedule for G8 summit and some surrounding events.

Event 1: Meeting of the “+5” countries (G8+5) in Sapporo ahead of Wednesday’s morning session (Mexico, Brazil, China, South Africa, India)

The chart of India
Date of Birth – August 15, 1947
Time of Birth – 00:00″00
Place of Birth – Delhi

The Chart of G8+O5 meeting
Date of Birth – July 8, 2008
Time of Birth – 09:00
Pace of Birth – Sapporo, Japan

This is the first event in which India will officially participate in the talks and discussions with other countries. Note that Moon is void of course, when the meeting begins.

A notable fact is that the ascendant of the meeting chart is in the fourth house of India’s chart while Moon is also in the fourth house of India’s chart. The fourth house of any chart is considered negative for the authority and success of the entity.

In this light, it seems that India may not be able to gain anything from this meeting and may rather lose. India may not be in a position to negotiate anything or express her concerns. It may be a political disaster too.

Moon is void of course, so India individually may not have to lose much as the meeting itself seems to get stalled. Things may not be discussed further and there may be a need to postpone further talks.

Usually, it has been observed that any activity started when Moon is void of course usually meets an early end which too is malefic in nature. Discussions may thus go awry and haywire.

Event 2: Bilateral meeting between India-US leaders

The natal chart of India
Date of Birth – August 15, 1947
Time of Birth – 00:00″00
Place of Birth – Delhi

The chart of India-US meeting
Date of Birth – July 9, 2008
Time of Birth – 07:40
Place of Birth- Hokkaido Toyako, Japan

In this second meeting the ascendant is again in Leo (Simha) and as suggested above, the ascendant of the meeting chart falls in the fourth house of India.

Despite the outcome of the meeting being negative, at least Moon, the Lord of India’s third house of communication is sextile to her own house and is placed trine from the ascendant.

Ganesha thus feels that India may be able to push harder on matters of its interest and disinterest regarding US and may also be able to press for some favourable clauses. Though the US authorities may understand India’s concerns, it seems that India may not come out as a clear winner.

Event 3: Bilateral meeting between India-Japan leaders

The natal chart of India
Date of Birth – August 15, 1947
Time of Birth – 00:00″00
Place of Birth – Delhi

The chart of India-Japan Meeting
Date of Birth – July 9, 2008
Time of Birth- 09:00
Pace of Birth – Hokkaido Toyako, Japan

The meeting between India and Japan will almost go on similar lines.

Event 4: The Major Economies Meeting.

The natal chart of India
Date of Birth – August 15, 1947
Time of Birth – 00:00″00
Place of Birth – Delhi

The chart of Major Economies Meeting
Date of Birth – July 9, 2008
Time of Birth – 10:00
Place of Birth- Hokkaido Toyako, Japan

Aah! This seems to be the only meeting in which India may shine. Notice that the ascendant of the meeting chart is in the fifth house of India’s chart and Mercury, the lord of India’s second house of economic strength, is Swagruhi (in its own sign).

This indicates that India will be able to ensure its economic growth and power in this meeting and may come out as a winner in most of the issues discussed in the meeting.

What Next?
The implications of the G8 meeting in which India participates will be and may be the precursor of a political whiplash for the ruling party and the PM. No doubt, it is not the fault of our leaders but as things may not fall in place for India due to the planetary positions the Indian negotiators may have to face tribulations.

Other than the economical measures that support India nothing good seems to be coming out of the G8 Summit, 2008.

Wishing India all the best in the G8 Summit 2008

Ganesha’s Grace
Rikhav Khimasia
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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