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Budget 2016-17 is likely to be Uncertain, Complex, Yet Somewhat Unconventional, foresees Ganesha…

Budget 2016-17 is likely to be Uncertain, Complex, Yet Somewhat Unconventional, foresees Ganesha…

Union Budget for the Financial Year 2016-2017
From hoping for profound reforms, grants for agricultural research and infrastructure, cash subsidies, credit augmentation and insurance for farmers, to an enhanced and keen focus on digital, e-commerce sector, reforms like excise roll-backs in the auto sector to extremely defined expectations from the banking budgets, the wish-list for this year’s Union Budget 2016-2017 looks unending and very ambitious!

The previews say, that this year’s Union Budget 2016-17 shall be aimed at spurring domestic economic growth, maintaining fiscal discipline and improving centre-state relationship. Aiming to strike a balance between economic growth and fiscal discipline – the honourable Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitley will present the Union Budget 2016-17 on 29/02/2016

The Budget shall be instrumental in effectively channelizing the government’s or rather the nation’s resources to achieve a two digit economic growth rate under the leadership of PM Shri Narendra Modi – thus, taking a concrete step towards fulfilling the dream of Achche Din.

But then, these are just speculations! What exactly should one expect from the upcoming Union Budget? Will the Indian Finance Minister, Mr. Arun Jaitley, have good news for all? Or, will only a few chosen ones and sectors get the special treatment? Ganesha analyses the Chart of the Independent India, juxtaposes it with the planetary picture applicable on the day of Budget announcement, and puts forward some interesting observations. Read on to find out the astrological analysis of the Union Budget 2016-2017 and its possible impact on various sectors. Let’s take a look at what Ganesha has to say about the big event…

Ganesha’s In-depth Analysis

  • In the Horoscope of independent India, Sun is in the Moon Sign Cancer, and the transiting Sun is passing through the 10th House in the Moon Sign Aquarius and in the Shata-tarka constellation. The transiting Sun is in conjunction with Ketu, which is a negative combination and indicates that the Finance Minister may take some confusing decisions regaring the gold policy, public sector units (PSUs), GDP growth rate, taxation, income tax and sales tax.
  • The 5th House represents the mutual funds, speculators, brokerage houses/ companies, education sector and universities. On the day, 2016-2017 Annual Budget shall be presented, the Lord of the 5th House – Mercury shall be transiting through the Fortune House along with Venus in the Sign of Capricorn and in the Dhanishta constellation. As a result of which, there could be some good news along with fluctuations at times.

Mars – the planet of energy and force will be entering its own Sign Scorpio on 21st February, 2016. This transit of Mars will be an unusual one, because, instead of completing its journey in one Sign at a time, this planet will be shuttling between the Signs Scorpio and Libra. Also, this transit of Mars will be marked with a retrograde-direct-retrograde motion in it’s travel between the two Signs. On the 18th of September, 2016, Mars will be in it’s completion phase of this transit residing in the Sign of Scorpio.Though, Mars usually stays in a sign for approximately 45 days, during this transit, it will remain in Scorpio for 7 Months! Thus, Mars will be travelling between the 6th House and the 7th House of India’s independant chart. Because of this, in this year’s buget, the following areas are likely to be more in the news

Castings & Forgings, Chemicals, Cigarettes, Real Estate, Detergents, Tiles-Marbles, Dry Cells, Dyes & Pigments, Plantations – Tea & Coffee, Refineries, Metals – Non Ferrous, Agro Chemicals, Granite, Automobiles, Iron, Copper, Steel, Rice, Red Chillies and Spices, Minerals, Defense Manufacturing Sectors, Fire Factories, Ceramic, Electric Products

  • Venus, the Lord of India’s Ascendant Sign, as well as of the 6th House, on the day of Buget will be transiting in the 9th House along with Mercury and the effects of this transit shall be considerably good. Due to this transit, the areas like Travel and Tourism, Transportation, Religious Trusts, Navy, Science and Technology, etc. are likely to benefit.
  • As per independent India’s Horoscope, on the day of the Budget being presented, Moon will be passing through the Sign of Libra and the 3rd step of the Visakha constellation, where Jupiter is present already. Due to this, more emphasis will be laid on the medical sector, infrastructure development, bridge-building, civil services, etc.
  • The matter of concern is that, currently, the quadrant positions in India’s Chart happen to be marked with combinations of planets which are completely opposite in their ideologies. Jupiter-Rahu, Sun-Ketu, Mars-Saturn – are all negative combinations, and thus this year’s budget may be a somewhat complex one.

Till now, the Union Budget has been presented 84 times. On the 29th of February, 2016, the Moon will be in the Sign of Libra and in the Visakha constellation. Of the 84 times, in the past, there have been 3 occasions on which the budget was passed on a day with a similar placement of the Moon.

Speaking of the Stock Markets,
The dates likely to be highly active, marked with wide-fluctuation and volatility in the month of MARCH-2016 shall be: 2, 9, 23

  • Overall, the month of March 2016 shall not be reliable at all. The positive support of Jupiter would NOT be present. Plus, the Monthly support too shall be absent. Thus, the markets shall be playing along only and only on the Yearly Support. Overall, the monthly weightage for the month of March 2016 shall be ZERO, which may make the market quite unpredictable!

Here, Ganesha also gives you a list of the zero weightage dates, around which the times and trends are likely to be highly volatile, fluctuating, erratic and unpredictable at Nifty. Some undesirable events, such as earthquakes, tsunami, terrorist attacks, floods, etc. may happen around these dates, which would clearly and directly affect the stock market.

These volatile dates are :
















May Lord Ganesha bless our nation and people.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Shri Dharmesh Joshi
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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