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Tough times ahead for Shashi Tharoor, predicts Ganesha

Tough times ahead for Shashi Tharoor, predicts Ganesha
Shashi Tharoor – politician, author, diplomat, columnist, public speaker and former civil servant – has been twice elected MP from Thiruvananthapuram. He has served as minister of state for external affairs (2009–2010) and Human Resource Development (2012–2014). He was the official spokesperson of the Congress party from January to October 2014. Tharoor has also served as an official at the United Nations. A copious writer, he has authored 15 best-selling works of fiction and non-fiction since 1981, and written many columns for top national and international newspapers and magazines. He is also a globally recognized orator, speaking in various fora on India’s economics and politics, freedom of press, human rights, Indian culture, and international affairs. His outspoken statements, specially the ones admiring PM Narendra Modi openly and tweeting in favour of the hanging of Yakub Memon, have landed him in hot soup many times. But nothing is more serious for him than the needle of suspicion pointing at him for the unnatural death of his wife Sunanda Pushkar. Ganesha foresees a rather bleak time for him in the near future.
Shashi Tharoor:
Date of Birth: 9th March, 1956
Birth Time: Not Known
Place of Birth: London, UK
Owing to the absence of the credible Birth Time, following predictions have been created, basis a Solar Horoscope/ Chart.

  • Ganesha notes that things don’t look too promising in the near future for former Union minister of state for external affairs Shashi Tharoor, and it will be difficult for him to maintain existing political relations, or develop new ones. He will also be embroiled in legal issues. He should take care while dealing with women because he may face trouble from them. This is due to the influence of the transit of Saturn over his Saturn and Rahu through the 10th House, which will be aspecting Ketu posited in the 4th House and retrograde Jupiter posited in the 7th House (till January 2017). Post January, 2016, Rahu will be transiting over Jupiter and Ketu will be transiting over Sun and Mercury posited in the 1st House of his Chart. This will not only increase his problems, but may also affect his health. He family life will remain disturbed and he will be very concerned for his children. He will have to remain alert while making statements in the media or in public. He may get some relief due to the transit of Jupiter over his Jupiter, which will be aspecting the planets of the 1st House and also Mars posited in 11th House and Venus posited in the 3rd House of his Chart till 11th August, 2016. This will help him in improving his political and personal relations.

  • Currently Saturn is casting a negative influence on the planets of the 10th, 4th and 7th Houses in his Chart. Besides this, Mars and Sun are transiting through the 6th House (signifying daily routine), and Mars is aspecting the 9th, 12th and 1st Houses of his Chart. These factors have landed him in trouble and also instigated him to make controversial public statements.

  • It seems that his political career will remain average. He may not be noticed at all, unless he sticks his neck out. He will be under the mixed influence of the planetary transits.

  • Ganesha feels that there are strong chances of his facing legal complications post 15th September, 2015 when Mars will be transiting through Leo in his Chart. This situation will worsen post January, 2016, when Rahu will be transiting through Leo and Ketu through Aquarius in his Solar Chart.
With Ganesha’s Grace,
Rantidev A. Upadhyay,

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