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The cosmos will help Jaitley push Government’s economic reforms agenda, feels Ganesha

The cosmos will help Jaitley push Government’s economic reforms agenda, feels Ganesha

The high-profile Supreme Court lawyer and the current Union Minister for Finance, Corporate Affairs and Information and Broadcasting, Arun Jaitley has had to face a lot of frustration of late with the obstructionist tactics of the Congress for stalling the functioning of Parliament, because of which the Central Government’s economic reforms agenda is getting delayed. The monsoon session of the Parliament has practically been washed out and key legislations, such as the GST bill, could not be passed. A uniform GST is expected to replace all indirect levies, boosting economic growth and cutting prices, which will be a boon to the common-man. Ganesha feels that Jaitley has the stars in his favour and he will be able to pull off the governments’ reforms agenda.

Arun Jaitley:
Date of Birth: 28th December, 1952
Time of Birth: Not Known
Place of Birth: Delhi, India


Owing to the absence of the credible Birth Time, following predictions have been created, basis a Solar Horoscope/ Chart.

  • Arun Jaitley has been born with the Sun in Sagittarius and the Lord of this Sign, Jupiter is placed in the 5th House of performance in his Solar Chart. The Sun, a significator of leadership qualities, is positively influenced by Jupiter, which also aspects his exalted Saturn, Lord of the 2nd House, the House of finance and the 3rd House, Prakrama Bhuvan. These alignments indicate that he has been rightly awarded the portfolio of Finance Minister in the Central Government, which he is handling with perfect responsibility. Besides this, the Lord of the 2nd House, Saturn is in exchange with the Lord of the 11th House, Venus. Mercury is posited in the 12th House and Venus is posited in the 2nd House, both being in their friendly Signs in Jaitley’s Chart. These factors shows that he is performing with full strength, concentration and confidence. He is adept at formulating financial policies, and handling banking regulations.

He will be able to revolutionize the economic structure of India as the planets like Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are well placed in his Solar Chart and the transit of Jupiter, too, will support him in his initiatives. Of course the transit of Saturn through Scorpio over his Mercury, which will be aspecting his Venus and Rahu, may pose obstacles in the implementation of his policies. However, he will surely be able to get things done in the national interest in due course of time, feels Ganesha.

  • Arun Jaitley will benefit from the transit of Jupiter through Leo till 11th August, 2016, which shall offset the negative influence being exerted by the transit of Saturn through Scorpio till January, 2017, feels Ganesha. He will be able to tackle all tricky issues during the year ahead. However, post January, 2016, he will have to be a little more cautious as Ketu will be transiting over his Mars, posited in the 3rd House of his Chart. Mars is the Lord of the 12th House, which indicates he may have to face some health issues. And besides, the fructification of his plans may also get delayed.

Ganesha wishes a great time ahead to Arun Jaitley.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Rantidev A. Upadhyay
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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