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Shehbaz Sharif: Will Planets Allow A Successful Tenure As A PM?

Shehbaz Sharif: Will Planets Allow A Successful Tenure As A PM?

On Apr 11, 2022, Shehbaz Sharif was appointed as the 23rd prime minister of Pakistan. He was elected after Imraan Khan was dismissed as a Prime Minister in the no-confidence vote.
Sharif’s journey is no more than a rollercoaster ride as it involves a lot of conflicts. He was elected with the hope to handle the biggest responsibility of bringing back the failing economy of Pakistan and maintaining cordial relationships with key countries. All these big milestones, he has to prove in the backdrop of ongoing extensive protests in favour of Imraan Khan.

Let’s look at his planetary conditions to see how Shehbaz Sharif’s tenure will be?

Role Of Planets In Shaping His Personality

Shehbaz Sharif Birth Details:
Date of Birth: Sept 23, 1951 (age 70)
Place: Lahore, Pakistan

Jupiter is occupying its own sign in the 10th house from Moon. Hence forming a much-needed Raj Yoga, responsible for being an efficient and smart politician. The exchange of positions between Sun and Mercury has made him a strong leader with the crucial trait of connecting with people. Jupiter is aspecting the Sun and Saturn, making him an excellent strategist. Such planetary alignment gifted him the potential to conquer his opponents. These genius qualities assisted him brilliantly in the past and will continue to do so further.

However, the placement of the Sun with Saturn signifies stubbornness and authoritativeness in his personality. It may create problems in future. Although, since Jupiter is aspecting the Sun and Saturn, which is mostly seen as a boon for politicians.

Transiting Jupiter is making its way over the natal Jupiter and aspecting the natal Sun, which is highly responsible for him becoming the PM of Pakistan. Curious to know which planets are affecting your life? Get a Free Janam Kundali Report.

Shehbaz Sharif’s PM Tenure: Roadblocks On The Way

The retrograde Saturn in Capricorn between Jul 12, 2022, to Jul 23, 2022, may bring some challenges for him. Furthermore, the transit of Rahu in the 8th house from the natal Sun and Saturn is likely to cause serious problems for him in the coming days. He may face opposition from party members and allies. There would be differences with other political parties. Overall, Planets will keep throwing obstructions his way; however, he will be able to handle the issues effectively.

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How Planets Will Shape The Political Career?

The transiting Rahu is moving through the Ascendant of Pakistan’s foundation chart. Since the Venus-Saturn Dasha period is in progress, under this time frame, Pakistan may face financial issues. Shehbaz Sharif can be disturbed by internal and external security as well as law and order situations in some states of Pakistan. On the day of his appointment as the PM of Pakistan, the transiting Moon was in Ashlesha Nakshatra, and none of the planets is either of its sides. The planet Mercury is also torn between malefic planets.

All these planetary situations signify an unstable and controversial situation for the current government in Pakistan. The next election in Pakistan may take place anytime between 2022 and May 2023. Let’s hope it goes well for Shehbaz Sharif.

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