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2015 may turn out be an extremely tough year for Shashi Tharoor.

2015 may turn out be an extremely tough year for Shashi Tharoor.

Exactly a year ago, on 17th January 2014, Sunanda Pushkar, wife to Palakkad (Kerala) MP and Congress politico Shashi Tharoor was found dead in a luxury hotel room in New Delhi. The whole incident was shrouded in mystery, and left a major question mark on what could have been the reason behind such a gruesome end to a love story that initially seemed so mature and heart-warming. Suspicions were raised, but no one, in particular, could be blamed, until recently, when Delhi police confirmed that Pushkar’s was really a case of unnatural death. This directly pointed the daggers at the prime suspect Shashi Tharoor, who is also now rumoured to have been told days before the alleged murder by a jilted Puskar that ‘he was finished’

Tharoor, on his own, has been embroiled in one controversy after the other, including the one where he had been removed from his position as the Congress party spokesperson. Will this recent reopening of Sunanda Pushkar’s death case tarnish Tharoor’s image forever? Or, will he manage to come out of it unscathed? How will 2015 be for him, and what are the crucial time-frames for Tharoor? Ganesha looks at Tharoor’s Solar Horoscope to foretell.

Shashi Tharoor
In general, the transiting planets and ongoing Dashas, as per his Solar Chart, indicate that Tharoor will have to be especially careful during 9th January 2015 to 22nd May 2015; 16th October 2015 to 6th November 2015; 15th January 2016 to 12th February 2016 and June-July 2016 to October 2016.

From these time frames, one is already under-way and it is the same time, when Delhi Police has reopened Pushkar’s case.

Important – It is noteworthy that from 4th February 2015 to 27th February 2015, the time will be very crucial and threatening for Shashi Tharoor, during which he may face a very serious threat, and he may come under legal scanner, and may even have to face the imprisonment. Also, the time during 24th April 2015 to 4th May 2015 shall yet again be a negative phase for Tharoor, wherein his reputation may get tarnished further, reveal the stars.

Personal Life – A look at Shashi Tharoor’s Solar Horoscope indicates that Sun, the Lord of his personal life, is posited in Saturn’s Sign Aquarius, and the retrograde Jupiter is posited in his 7th House [related to marriage, partnerships, fame and personal life] Natally. Because of these alignments, Tharoor’s personal life has always been controversial. In the future also, his personal life shall remain tumultuous, especially till mid-2017.

Career – As far as Tharoor’s political career is concerned, Saturn and Rahu, conjunct in Scorpio by birth, which is a malefic combination, are posited in the 10th House, related to politics/government, which can also be referred to as Shapit Dosha. Because of this Tharoor’s political career has always been on tenterhooks.

Right now, the transiting Saturn is passing through his 10th House, which will add to his woes, and his overall public image will suffer. This House is related to his career, profession and government, and thus, these areas or the related issues may affect Tharoor’s life, till Saturn continues its transit in Scorpio.

All in all, till the 26th of January 2017, Tharoor’s career in politics will continue to be disturbed. He will have to be extremely careful, especially during the aforementioned time frames.

The Ray Of Hope – Although, all in 2015 will be a very difficult year for Tharoor, and his personal life may continue to be disturbed till mid-2017, he may see a relatively better phase in 2015 in his personal realm – thanks to the transiting Jupiter’s overall effect.

Tharoor looks set to receive some kind of support in the form of an offer or chance to make a change during the time frame of 14th July 2015 and 14th September 2015.

Jupiter, albeit retrograde, is posited in Tharoor’s 7th House, and during 14th July 2015 to 24th July 2015 the transiting Jupiter too shall be passing degreecally over his Natal Jupiter in the 7th House. This indicates that either during this 10-day window or a braod frame of 2 months, Tharoor may get some relief from the ongoing turmoil. He may receive an offer to enter a new partnership – that is he may also change his party Or may get a chance to re-marry, or meet a new person. He may also receive some amount of positive media attention at this time, feels Ganesha.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Dharmeshh Joshi,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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