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Shashi Tharoor will continue to face ups and downs till 2017, says Ganesha.

Shashi Tharoor will continue to face ups and downs till 2017, says Ganesha.

One of the prominent faces of the contemporary Congress Party, political leader Shashi Tharoor’s life of late has been going through a lot of turmoil, both in his political and personal spheres. Tharoor has served as the Minister of State for External Affairs in 2009–2010 and Human Resource Development in 2012-2014. Since January this year he was the official spokesperson of the Congress party, but, however much articulate and respected his opinions may have been, he tended to sometimes go overboard.

Last month, allegedly after tweeting in favour of the Prime Minister Modi’s campaign for a “Swachh Bharat”, he was dropped as the party’s spokesperson. However, he tried to make up for it by tweeting against on the PM Narendra Modi neglecting former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi’s death anniversary on October 31st 2014, in favour of marking Sardar Vallabhbhai’s birth anniversary.

Earlier, Tharoor also served as an official at the United Nations for over two decades. Apart from politics, he has also been a prolific writer, having authored 14 books and writing columns for several national and international publications.

On the personal front, till recently, Tharoor was married to the socialite and businesswoman Sunanda Pushkar who was found dead in a Delhi luxury hotel in January, under mysterious circumstances. The suspicion still haunts Tharoor with a top AIIMS doctor saying that he was pressurised into giving a tailor-made report in Sunanda’s death case.

For this or the other reason, Tharoor has continued to be in news, mostly for wrong reasons, and Ganesha with the help of Vedic astrology takes a peek at his future.


As per Shashi Tharoor’s Surya Kundali, Sun, the Lord of his personal life, is posited in Saturn’s Sign Aquarius, and retrograde Jupiter is posited in his 7th House, related to marriage and personal life. Because of these alignments, Tharoor’s personal life has always been controversial. In the future also his personal life shall be a roller-coaster ride. However, even in the midst of all the turmoil, Tharoor will experience a positive phase in his personal life between 14th July 2015 and 14th September 2015.

As far as his political career is concerned, Saturn and Rahu are conjunct in Scorpio, which is a malefic combination posited in the 10th House, related to politics/government, which can also be referred to as Shrapit Dosha. Because of this his political career has always been on tenterhooks. Till the 26th of January 2017, his career in politics will continue to be disturbed. He will have to be extremely careful especially during the following time-frames as there may be some major twists in his political career.

9th January 2015 to 22nd May 2015
16th October 2015 to 6th November 2015
15th January 2016 to 12th February 2016
June-July 2016 to October 2016

The fact that his tweets have been creating such controversy, because of which he was dropped as the spokesperson of Congress, reflects his disturbed condition. During December 2016 and January 2017 also he will tend to shoot his mouth which may cause additional harm to his political relationships.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Dharmeshh Joshi,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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