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Bhatt not to go down without a fight, feels Ganesha

Bhatt not to go down without a fight, feels Ganesha

IPS officer Sanjiv Bhatt from Gujarat shot to fame for his role in filing an affidavit in the Supreme Court against the current Prime Minister and former Chief Minister of Gujarat, Narendra Modi, concerning Modi’s alleged role in the 2002 Gujarat riots. Bhatt claimed to have attended a meeting, during which Modi allegedly asked top police officials to let Hindus vent their anger against the Muslims. However, the Special Investigation Team appointed by the Supreme Court concluded that Bhatt did not attend this meeting, and dismissed his allegations. After being suspended from police service on the ground of “unauthorised absence”, Bhatt has now been terminated on charges that he features in some sleaze CDs that have been discovered.

Date of Birth: 21st December, 1963
Birth Time: Not Known
Place of Birth: Bombay, Maharashtra, India


Owing to the absence of the credible Birth Time, following predictions have been created, basis a Solar Horoscope/ Chart.

  • Ganesha finds that on 19th August, 2015, the day when IPS officer Sanjiv Bhatt was terminated from service, transiting Saturn through the 12th House of his Solar Chart was degreecally aspecting his Venus posited in the 2nd House from the Sun, Lord of the 11th House (gains) and Lord of the 6th House (employment) in his Solar Chart.
  • During its transit, Saturn will be aspecting his Venus and Saturn, till January, 2017. This will create financial hardship and loss of accumulated wealth for him.
  • However, Bhatt is not a person who will keep quite and remain a blind spectator. As currently Jupiter is transiting through Leo, and will be aspecting his Sun, Mars, Mercury (all in their friendly Sign) and Ketu till 11th August, 2016, he will not tolerate injustice. He also has the courage to fight till he proves himself innocent. He is confident and will prove his honest performance during his tenure as an IPS officer.
  • However, he will remain disturbed owing to severe domestic problems and hindrances as Ketu will be transiting over his Jupiter posited in the 4th House of his Chart till January, 2016. He will have to face these problems till then.
  • Ganesha feels that some things may happen in his favour post 11th August, 2016 when Jupiter will be transiting through Virgo in his 10th House, and aspecting his Saturn and Venus in the 2nd House and Jupiter in the 4th House of his Chart. He may be re-instated in the same post or he may be able to prove himself innocent of the charges made against him.

Ganesha wishes good luck to Sanjiv Bhatt.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Rantidev A. Upadhyay,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team