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Will MNS Chief Raj Thackeray Reach New Heights in 2018-19? Ganesha Has The Answer

It is said that politics is the art of the possible. And this is all the more true in a country like India. The rise of Raj Thackeray, the nephew of late Balasaheb Thackeray, reflects this point big and clear. Raj Thackeray parted ways with Shiv Sena in the year 2006 and went ahead to form his own political outfit, Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS). So far, MNS has won several Vidhan Sabha seats in Maharashtra in the last few elections. What will be the future of Raj Thackeray? Can he rise high and replace Uddhav Thackeray led Shiv Sena and make MNS the main party of Maharashtra? Ganesha gives you the answers:

Birth Details Of Raj Thackeray
Date of Birth: 14th June 1968
Birth Time: 5:44 pm
Place of Birth: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

A Dynamic Attitude

Scorpio is the ascendant in Raj Thackeray’s horoscope, wherein Mars is the Lord. This is a watery, stable and feared sign. Scorpio natives are aggressive and full of self-confidence. They may be impulsive, intelligent and ambitious as per Raj Thackeray astrology predictions.

Should Be Cautious With Rivals

As Sun will enter Gemini sign or Mercury’s sign, he will be very active and dynamic. His popularity will increase and people will admire him. Due to the combination of Sun, Moon and Mercury, he may on good terms with the higher officials in the government. As Sun is in the Karma Sthan and Saturn in the Chaturya Sthan, Raj Thackeray will perform well in politics, however, he should be cautious with his rivals. He may go to different places due to work reason. He may get wealth from foreign shores, as per future predictions. Are you facing confusion in career? Buy the Career Ask A Question Report and get it resolved.

Better Equations With Other Politicians Foreseen

Mercury’s movement may cause gains in wealth and politics. Mercury will cause satisfaction His equations with the other politicians will get better. This planetary combination is bound to help Raj Thackeray.

Self-confidence May Go Down

Ketu’s entry in Capricorn will make Raj Thackeray do several tasks at the same time. However, he will not be able to achieve his goals. His confidence may also become less. One of his family members may face health issues or the harmony of his home may get disturbed due to some reason.

Increased Earnings Will Match The Rising Expenses

Raj Thackeray may increase his wealth. He will get the support of his friends and colleagues He will benefit his siblings in one way or the other. Expenses will increase, but so will income. Are you curious to know your financial future? Access the Free 2023 Finance Report.

A Long Trip Foreseen

As Ketu will enter the Cancer sign, he may meet several influential persons. He may face gains and losses in finances. Raj Thackeray may go out on a long trip. He may come into touch with several persons in foreign countries. Friends will co-operate with him in various areas. He may develop ear pain or mental confusion.

Should Take Good Care Of His Health

Family-related expenses will increase. Raj Thackeray may get the ownership of some new land by inheritance. Some members of other political parties may try to hurt him. He should be careful about his health as he may contract some illness. Spiritual pursuits may give him peace and progress.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Rajnish Sharma,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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