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Pramod Sawant in Goa Election 2023: A Walk On The Beach For BJP?

After the unfortunate demise of Goa’s former CM Manohar Parrikar, Pramod Sawant was made the CM of Goa in March 2019 by BJP. Many questioned his lack of experience in politics and his selection as the CM, but the last few years of his rule have put an end to those questions.
As the elections get closer in Goa, BJP has announced that Pramod Sawant will contest from the Sanquelim constituency. From his statements, he sounds absolutely sure about BJP securing the majority. But what do planets have to say? Is Pramod Sawant capable of carrying BJP through another win, or do some issues wait for him ahead? Let’s find out.

Date of Birth: April 24, 1973
Place of Birth: Goa, India

In Pramod Sawant’s solar chart, the first house is the host to Venus and an exalted Sun. This is powerful conjunction that blesses him with exceptional leadership qualities. His political plannings also reflect the skills he possesses because of this combination.
Moreover, an exalted Mars is placed with debilitated Jupiter, which creates Neechbhang Raj Yoga. When an exalted planet eliminates the negative effects of a debilitated planet, it is called Neechbhang Raj Yoga.
This points to the fact that Pramod Sawant is capable of achieving great heights in his career. The energy of Mars keeps him going, and Jupiter helps in fighting for his place. If you want to know which favourable combinations can help you succeed in life, access your Free Janampatri Analysis now!

In the ninth house, Moon and Rahu together create a Grahan Dosha. A Grahan Dosha is created when luminary planets (Sun and Moon) are paired with Shadow planets (Rahu and Ketu). This can be an issue for Pramod Sawant, as he may face some deceptive strategies from his rivals.
Even though he has good support for the planets, these challenges cannot be avoided. It would be advisable for Pramod Sawant to understand how he may need the support of his companions if he wants to win Goa Election 2023. Even a small mistake can create issues in his political journey.

Right now, he is under the influence of the last phase of Sade Sati. Therefore, some harsh competition is something he may have to go through. To hold his place among all the challenges may prove to be a tough task! In his birth chart, Rahu’s transit over natal Saturn can also bring issues of its own.
A glimmer of hope among all this is the Jupiter Transit, which may prove to be favourable for him. He is likely to secure the constituency he is contesting from, but it would not be an easy win for sure.

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