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People Power Party winning the elections

People Power Party winning the elections

The People Power Party (PPP), whose main platform has been its support for expelled Thai premier Thaksin Shinawatra, has emerged the winner of weekend polls, election officials said Monday after finishing the final vote tally in the first election held since last year’s coup.

On the election date, the Moon was in exaltation. So, people of Thailand were in better mood and that has resulted in better voter turnout this time. Sun is in close conjunction with Jupiter in Sagittarius and Mercury is placed with Jupiter indicating strong actions from judiciary and government to avoid disruptions and ensure fair elections. Therefore, by and large government was better equipped this time and thus found certain level of success than the charter referendum. Election Commission Secretary General Suthipol Thaveechaikarn said about 32.08 million Thais, or 70.27 per cent of eligible voters, cast ballots.

The PPP came nine seats short of a majority in parliament, winning 232 of the 480 seats, said Election Commission Secretary General Suthipol Thaveechaikarn. But it is not the final outcome because the Election Commission must still investigate various charges of election fraud and might be forced to hold a by-election for red-carded candidates.

The People’s Power Party (PPP) formed on 29 July 2007 and the Party Leader is Samak Sundaravej, 72-year-old veteran of Thailand’s political scene who is a strong contender for prime minister ship. In PPP’s chart Sun-Jupiter trine and Venus-Saturn conjunction looks excellent and strong Mercury is an added advantage. The transiting Jupiter is in trine with Venus-Saturn and aspecting the natal Mercury provided ample support to win this intense battle.

But the future looks extremely challenging as the transiting Rahu is approaching the natal Moon. It will be in opposition to natal Sun as well.

In Samak Sundaravej’s chart Moon and Jupiter forming Gajakesari Yoga, Moon and Venus is in exchange, Jupiter-Mercury trine and strong Saturn indicating wise statsman and strong politician. With such a powerful chart he is definatly a strong candidate for prime minister ship. Jupiter is transiting in Sagittarius looks excellent for him. But the transiting Rahu moving over the natal Saturn may cause many problems. It would not be a smooth sailing for him by any means. He might face severe opposition among his own party as well as from the allies and may have to make compromises to gain the leadership. The period between mid March and October 2008 looks extremely stressful and eventful for him. He might face severe challages during that phase and survival in political arena would be very tough for him.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Tanmay K.Thakar,

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