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Paswan bats for Soren as Chief Minister

Batting for JMM supremo Shibu Soren as Jharkhand chief minister, Lok Janshakti Party (LJP)chief, Ram Vilas Paswan said he should be given a chance to prove himself and that he was better than the incumbent Madhu Koda.

Ganesha looks at Shibu Soren’s Sun Chart to see if there is any probability of him becoming the CM of Jharkhand.

Date of Birth -January 11, 1944
Place of Birth – Hazaribagh, Jharkhand
Time of Birth – Unknown

Astro Analysis
Ganesha notes that Budha is the lord of his tenth house of power and authority. Doubtless, it is in conjcuntion with Sun, the significator of government and power as well as authority and is combust but being retrograde it is in separation from Sun making his natal promise of being in position of power and authority stronger.

A look at the current transits.
Guru, the sun chart ascendant Lord, is passing through the ascendant over natal Sun and Mercury. Transiting Guru is retrograde, co-incidentally natal Guru is also retrograde and in the ninth house of bhagya and luck which is aspected by the current transiting Guru.

Transiting Sun will come in the ninth house of bhagya and luck on August 17, in its own house in conjcuntion with natal Guru and under the aspect of transiting Guru while in trine with its own natal position and with natal Budha.

Transiting Budha will come in the tenth house, its own house, from August 25, 2008.

All these are great positive combinations.

Ganesha feels that by October 31, 2008 Soren may become the CM of Jharkhand or get a very important berth at the Centre.

Wishing him political success.

Ganesha’s Grace
Rikhav Khimasia

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