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Nitish Kumar has his task cut out for upcoming Bihar elections, says Ganesha

Nitish Kumar has his task cut out for upcoming Bihar elections, says Ganesha

The highly esteemed Chief Minister of Bihar, Nitish Kumar gained popularity by initiating a series of developmental and constructive activities including building of long-delayed bridges, re-laying roads that had ceased to exist, appointing over 100,000 school teachers, ensuring that doctors worked in primary health centers, and keeping crime in check in his state. In this stint he has been the Chief Minister of Bihar since February, 2015, but the shrewd politician of JD (U) has led the state earlier also from 2004 to 2014. With assembly elections coming up in his state, Ganesha predicts that Nitish Kumar will have a tough time coercing the population of Bihar to vote his party back to power.

Date of Birth: 1st March, 1951
Time of Birth: 13.20
Place of Birth: Bakhtiarpur, Bihar, India


Astrological Predictions :-

  • Considering the planetary transits in Nitish Kumar’s Natal Chart, Ganesha feels that the Chief Minister of Bihar is likely to face a mixed bag of fortunes in the near future, but overall, he is expected to fare well. He will perform his job well, and implement progressive reforms in some sectors. The transit of Jupiter will be favourable for him. It will be transiting over Ketu through the 3rd House, which will be aspecting his Sun (in detrimental Sign), Mercury, Jupiter and Rahu posited in the 9th House in his Natal Chart till 11th August, 2016. These factors will have an enormous impact in his Chart.
  • Nitish Kumar will play an instrumental role in controlling Naxalite-Maoist activities in the state. He will be able to strengthen his administrative system and win the confidence of the people of Bihar. He will also be able to control the opposition parties in the state.
  • He will be under the influence of major period of Rahu and sub-period of Jupiter till the 17th of December, 2016, so he will be able to tackle the tricky situation prevailing in the state with his political acumen and with the aid of his team of ministers and officials. He will be able to control opposition parties confidently, and shall succeed in protecting himself from whatever adversities he may face.
  • As Rahu will be transiting over retrograde Saturn posited in the 4th House and Ketu will be transiting over his Mars and exalted Venus through the 10th House, till January, 2016, in his Natal Chart, he may have to deftly tackle political alignments in the interests of the state.
  • He will have to be careful while making political or general statements in public or in social media to win the confidence of Bihar’s populace.
  • Nitish Kumar may not be able to maintain cordial relations with the Central Government, and may have to compromise on certain issues. During this phase there are also chances that he may become over-confident, thereby taking wrong decisions for which his party and the people of Bihar may have to suffer.
  • The Chief Minister may have to face indiscipline, frustration, non-cooperation, infighting, insurgency, and myriad other problems in his party as well as among his affiliated partners during this period which may result in electoral losses.
  • The transit of Saturn will be over the debilitated Moon posited in the 6th House, and it will be aspecting his Ketu till January, 2017. Due to this, he will be under constant mental pressure and remain disturbed due to work or political pressure. He may not feel satisfied with his own performance.
  • He may not get the required support from the united parties as expected.
  • There may be an extreme division of votes during the election.
  • He may not be able to implement or change policies or systems as per his desires or as early as he wants. He may have to face unexpected delays.
  • Nitish Kumar will have to pay more attention to his financial department, do some meticulous financial analysis, and carefully implement his financial strategy till 30th January 2016. Expenses will also have to be carefully monitored during the upcoming elections.
  • He will have to be careful about his health and take extra precautions to remain fit.
  • He will have to be alert regarding external forces creating disturbances in the state to divert his attention from the preparation for the coming assembly election.

Ganesha wishes a great time ahead to Nitish Kumar.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Rantidev A. Upadhyay
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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