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Ganesha foresees enhanced fame and achievements for NaMo in the year ahead!

Your sons and your daughters are beyond your command
Your old road is rapidly agin’
Please get out of the new one if you can’t lend your hand
For the times they are a-changin’

These lines from the brilliant song of Bob Dylan pithily capture the spirit of social and political upheaval in the country marked by the Advani-Modi tussle for the BJP’s PM candidate. At the end of an almost farcical battle that began soon after Modi won the Gujarat state elections in December 2012, finally on September 13, four days before Narendra Damordas Modi’s 64th birthday, the old order (read Advani) had to give way to the new order, and Narendra Modi, now in his fourth term as Gujarat Chief Minister, was officially named as the BJP’s Prime Ministerial candidate for the upcoming Union Elections of India. NaMo, as Modi is popularly called, is believed by many to be a polarising force, with the allegations that he did nothing to stop the 2002 Gujarat riots refusing to fade. However, his supporters believe that he is the man to rescue India from the clutches of the myriad problems the country has sunk into, especially as the Congress now comes through as a spent force and totally rudderless.

Ganesha with the help of Vedic astrology, predicts the future of the controversial and charismatic leader, as he celebrates his 64th birthday (on 17th September 2014).


Note:- This article is based on the principles of Vedic Astrology

  • The Solar Return phase begins on 17th September 2013 at 13 hours 36 mins.
  • The Lord of the year is Saturn, Munthesh (an imaginary mathematical point) is exalted and in Libra – 11th House with its friend Rahu.
  • Saturn and Rahu are favourably placed in the 11th House of Modi’s Solar Return Chart.
  • Ascendant is at 05:42 degree of Sagittarius.

  • As Munthesh is conjunct with Rahu, Modi will need more strategic planning in order to accomplish his desires and goals.
  • He will be more secretive, vindictive and aggressive in his approach.
  • Jupiter’s presence in the 7th House will help him forge many more strategic tie ups.
  • Jupiter, being the Lord of the 1st House in Modi’s Natal Chart is posited in the 7th House. Jupiter is the basic signifier of expansion, and because it is posited in the 7th House, NaMo is destined to get good exposure in public life. And, this will only get propelled in the coming year.
  • There will be a notable rise in his followers.
  • However, Mars’ presence in the 8th House shows that Modi may still face several discomforts from the judicial segment.
  • Sun, being the Lord of 9th House of fortune is conjunct with Mercury (10th House Lord) in the 10th House of Modi’s Solar Return Chart. This factor indicates achievements and honours in his political career.
  • To Get Your Personalized Solutions, Talk To An Astrologer Now!

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Malav Bhatt,

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