Mehbooba Mufti – the first woman Chief Minister of the valley State of Jammu and Kashmir and the daughter of the former CM of the state – (Late) Mufti Mohammed Sayeed, had ascended to the top position on the 4th April, 2016. There have been a lot of hopes from her and many are expecting her to bring solutions to burning issues in the valley, and she has also shown promise. But, unfortunately, the situation in the bordering state has been getting complex with each passing day, and various elements – external and internal, are instrumental for the downward spiral of the state’s condition. But, will she be able to keep the mischievous elements under a leash and deliver strong governance? Let’s get to know in this article, wherein, Ganesha analyses various astrological factors and presents a picture of what lies ahead for the woman CM.
Mehbooba Mufti – Chief Minister of Jammu and KashmirDate of Birth: 22nd May, 1959Time of Birth: UnavailablePlace of Birth: Bijbehara, Anantnag District, South Kashmir, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Chart of the Oath-Taking CeremonyDate: 4th April, 2016

Please Note: The astrological analysis and predictions in this article are based on two aspects or basis: 1) The Planetary Chart during the Oath-taking ceremony of Mehbooba Mufti as the Chief Minister, and 2) Her Solar Chart.
Mehbooba Mufti and the Stars
Turbulent Stars Indicating Turbulent Times?
- Ganesha notes that she has assumed office on 4th April, 2016. In the Oath-taking ceremony Chart, the Moon is not only placed in the constellation of Mars but is also afflicted by Ketu. This is a strong negative factor, which will work as tricky factor for Mehbooba Mufti, the CM of J&K. It indicates heightened crisis and turbulent situations in the border state. The Moon represents common public and afflicted Moon in her Oath-time chart indicates severe unrest in the State.
Challenges In Maintaining Law and Order
- In the Chart, the Ascendant is placed in the star of Rahu and the Lord of the 8th house – Saturn, is retrograde and placed with Mars in the 6th house. These factors indicate that the peace and harmony of Kashmir will constantly get disrupted. The state government would be facing huge problems in maintaining the law and order.
The Bright Aspects:
- Though there will be various challenges in Mehbooba’s path, some positive planetary factors will be working in her favour too. The Lord of the 5th house Venus is placed with Sun in the 10th house which is a highly bright factor for her and will help her to tackle the problems well, but to an extent. Lord of the 10th house Jupiter is retrograde and afflicted strongly by Rahu. So, it will be a herculean task for her to restore normalcy in Kashmir valley.
Unruly Neighbours
- The 3rd house is severely afflicted which indicates frequent clashes with the neighboring countries, agitations and disruptions. Pakistan will continue to force the infiltration into the Kashmir valley which will continue to raise tensions. The period till 15th September 2016 indicates tumultuous situations, terrorist attacks and untoward happenings as Sun’s transit in Leo, in conjunction with Rahu and the Solar eclipse on 1st September, 2016 will remain unfavourable for her. She will be able to exercise better control from mid September 2016 though.
Mufti’s Solar Chart Analysis and The Path Ahead:
- In her Solar chart, the transiting Saturn is aspecting the natal Sun. Also, she is passing through the Sade Sati period. The transiting Rahu is in square with natal Sun. So, overall, the period till the end of April 2017 will be tough for her. The transit of Saturn through the Sagittarius Sign will create troubles on the administrative front for her. Thus, it seems that it will be difficult for her to complete the full term as the Chief Minister of J&K.
Ganesha’s Exclusive Advice To The Strong Woman CM:
- Ganesha feels that Mufti has the potential to govern the valley state well, but she will have to be very calculative and controlled in her approach. As the Moon – the planet of the masses is afflicted in the Oath-time Chart, she will have to try her best to build and maintain a strong connect with the local masses by initiating some innovative schemes and programmes.
With Ganesha’s Grace,
Tanmay K.Thakar,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team
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