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Manmohan – Obama meet may result into better Indo-US ties

Manmohan – Obama meet may result into better Indo-US ties

The meeting between US President Barack Obama and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh looks set to be a crucial one, considering the present scenario in the world politics and economies of both the countries. Both the leaders are going to discuss matters like civil nuclear technology, terrorism, trade, investments and defence. The meeting is expected to strengthen Indo-US ties. But do the planetary alignment indicate a positive outcome of this meeting? Ganesha employs the principles of Vedic astrology and tells us what we should expect next. Read on!

The meeting between Manmohan Singh and Obama will be held in Washington on September 27. The transiting Moon will be passing through Gemini, with Jupiter. So, both the sides will work to boost mutual confidence and genuine engagement. It indicates that the India and the US can develop convergent strategic interests.

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India is passing through the Sun Mahadasha and Mercury Bhukti. So, Manmohan Singh will try to strengthen India involving US technology and know-how in a number of sectors and expanding Indian economy. The USA is passing through the Dasha period of Mars-Jupiter. Mars and Jupiter both are placed in the 11th House. So, Obama’s focus will be on implementation of the civil nuclear deal, cooperation in the fields of defence, security and economic issues. President Obama will try hard to get business environment that suits the US corporate mood. On the Indian side, India will be more focused on the matters like Immigration Bill and US protectionism. As the transiting Moon is in the star of Rahu, Manmohan Singh will face pressure on the issues like civil nuclear deal and Bilateral Investment Treaty.

India’s policy towards Iran and Syria may cause some concerns. Besides, Manmohan Singh may utilise this meet to expose Pakistan’s double-dealing on terrorism and recent terrorist activities in the J&K. India may be able to find strategic support of the USA in this matter, feels Ganesha. The placement of four planets in Libra as well as Jupiter-Moon conjunction in Gemini are indicative of meaningful dialogue between the two countries. There can be positive developments and agreements in the matters related to energy, education, agriculture, health, science and technology, trade, defence, counter-terrorism. There can be significant expansion of India-US economic ties. However, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s visit may invite criticism domestically and raise doubts about the an independent and uninfluenced policy decision making.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Tanmay K.Thakar,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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