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Kumarswamy’s future after the much-hyped resignation

Kumarswamy’s future after the much-hyped resignation

Governor Rameshwar Thakur has recommended President rule in Karnataka after a week of all the political turmoil. Karnataka’s chief minister has given his resignation and also announced a transfer of power to BJP. This was just to nullify all the negative reactions that he had been receiving for not keeping the promise.

This is what Ganesha has to say in this matter.

The Chief Minister of Karnataka is born with Sagittarius Sun sign on 16th December 1959. Venus and Mars are powerful in his chart, which denotes success in general in his career. Ganesha notes that Jupiter and Mars are in same sign, which is in 6th house. This aspect gives worldly comfort and financial success. This relation indicates that he is energetic, resourceful, outspoken and good orator. Rahu and Ketu are Swagruhi, which has been giving him favourable out come. Sun is the significator of Government as well as authority likewise Saturn is the significator of politics. Placement of both the planets is powerful thus forming Rajayoga. Saturn always plays a significant role in the field of politics. The Mars placement in 6th house is making him a very strong politician. Natal Sun and transiting Saturn play a major role after his resignation. Considering all the Rahu, Saturn and Jupiter transit, Ganesha feels that The Chief Minister of Karnataka H D Kumaraswamy resigned. The transiting Jupiter is also moving unfavorable in the 6th house from his Moon chart. Referring this current transit of Jupiter is disadvantageous for politics field. Moreover, transiting Saturn in Leo in trine with Natal Sun and Rahu in the Aquarius in trine with Moon are indicating a few hindrances in politics field.

Summarily, he resigned because current planetary transit is not favorable. However, from the end of November 2007 transiting Jupiter will pass through 7th house from the Moon and will aspect the Ascendant. That would be his favorable time. Time may turn for the better.

May Lord Ganesha bless him with much power in the days to come!

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Dharmeshh Joshi,

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